Take Cosmo to the Stars
They don’t know. EVMOS is is the real ETH2 And JUNO is ETH3
Glad to see Juno is doing something today, after lagging Atom yesterday.
Also, does anyone know if GLTO has a use-case yet besides GKEY airdrops? I'm hoping they use it as currency for games eventually, or at least for the NFT site.
I keep compounding and compounding my atom and juno. Should probably get some more neta.
i have 500 evmos, is this good? been dumping the staking rewards into both juno and btc
>atom threads after massive pumping
i told biz about atom at $5.x and $6, i thought the rally could keep going...
based junochad holy shit
strap in lad, are you ready for the moon mission?
>The target will be to issue 1 billion Evmos tokens in 4 years.
>...we see Evmos as a token with an uncapped supply.
FUD, the financial action is inflationary-deflationary to reward long term stakers, every thirdening reduces emission rate, reducing circulating supply, driving up value while maintaining an asymptotic release schedule for a theoretical limitless time
should i try to get to 750-1000 while staking is this high or continue to put rewards into other cosmo projects + btc ?
staking rewards are still good, however you and I know they won't last forever and when they do look where the protocols are moving their liquidity. Recent pump tells me to wait before accumulating more but fomo wants me to acquire more before it'stoolate™. Eyes on gravity-diffusion for fixing the nomad hack, allowing gravity wrapped eth back into the evmos and cosmos network.
>230 ATOM
>11000 OSMO
>7500 JUNO
>11.2 NETA
>400 EVMOS (compounding my JUNO into EVMOS every day)
a-am I going to survive I had 300k at the top of the bull but the JUNO drama and the market crash killed my net worth
oof, ever since the luna crash, osmo's TVL has been messed up
your are gonna make it but maybe need more atom or evmos, instead of so much osmo. i really have no idea though, and also hold nearly all cosmo coins
Anyone accumulating KUJI? I'm pretty bullish on the project but the tokenomics/vesting/Terra migraters dumping/etc has me hesitating to buy much right now.
OSMO TVL is messed up because OSMO lost 90% of its value, all other cosmos assets also did and all the pools that contained LUNA and UST are dead.
Plus osmo inflation is double the staking APR since they just have to dole out gibs to every shitcoin pool. Glad juno offloaded that shit to RAW, rather than fucking the base coin.
not the big bags guy but i have 250 osmo, should i cut the losses and swap for atom/juno instead?
Yup, I'm not sure what to do with my bag, I'll probably swap some for more EVMOS while the APR are still high and maybe get more ATOM in preparation for shared security
over-complicated ecosystem. all those seperate tokens cant be necessary.
Well the way I see it, Osmo is led by a pajeet, assman, cmdx, dvpn, etc., are also very jeet-heavy.
Juno at least is headed by a team of whites. They are European, so it's not ideal, but still pretty good.
Each token is its own chain with its own purpose