>depends on your lifestyle social security doesnt, neither does tax and arguably rent neither: you dont spend more than 30% of your income on rent
50% is definitely on fixed costs, possibly more (this doesnt include food, entertainment or transportation)
if you're living a normal life on 5k income, you can maybe save 1k per month for a holidays or a different big expense, but most people make 6k or more. this becomes a lot better if you arent single, you can split rent and utilities and car or whatever
most people think you're getting rich fast here but getting rich is actually stupid hard here. Also, our national bank won't tolerate an exploding swiss franc, they want stability, not "to the moon", they proved this in 2008, its not gonna happen
Asher Hughes
If you have money you dont really come to Switzerland. I have $3m and pay $1500 in wealth tax here. Plus $1500 for a 1 BR apartment. Health care, internet, truly "fixed" costs another $500. So I need to earn $5000 from which i pay $1500 income tax and social security and am left with $3500 which ALL goes to fixed costs. And I haven't even bought anything yet, not even food.
Unless you earn $200k+ it makes no sense to come to Switzerland.
Ryan Evans
Also the "fiscal paradise and secrets" is a meme. Go to other places like andorra
Kayden Diaz
The costs mentioned and $5000 were referring to monthly basis, the $200k on a yearly basis ofc.
Aaron Foster
>Also, can you tell me how much money there is left after tax, social security and other expenses (i know it depends on your lifestyle)?
I make 120k chf and after taxes, social security and pension I have 78k.
I am sure that inflation will go up here too though. Because of green politics Switzerland is no longer energy independent like it used to be.
Caleb Jones
I'm planning as a US citizen to move to Switzerland - currently working to get an NHR visa in Portugal first and then will acquire Swiss Class B. Can you go into some detail on how the wealth tax works out for you? Is your income derived off dividends from that 3M CHF networth?
Jackson Evans
I ask because your expenses and tax liability seem significantly less than what somebody living in NY or CA in the US would pay, while also benefiting from the Swiss quality of life. Seems like a good deal from where I'm sitting.
Brody Ross
Dividens are taxed as income. The wealth tax is based of the networth. But taxation is very different depending on where you live.
Aiden Lee
no capital gains tho!
Liam Turner
Nice mountains. People are backwards and shit. Lived there for ten years, glad I’m gone.
Joseph Gonzalez
swiss was founded by the knights templars, they control the world
Kevin Collins
i heard from Any Forums that the only reason switzerland hasn't gone to shit like the rest of the western world was because they were the last place to allow women to vote.
Charles Thomas
>wahh the taxes are really high! >wahh I can't just get a million unfair tax breaks because I'm a rich Amerifat. >muh trickle down economics. Dude, if you want to live in a "real" first world country where everything is beautiful with low inequality and no niggers or poverty, then yeah you're gonna have to pay your fair share of the taxes. Not every country on Earth is a pozzed shithole with no standards like the US where 10 people own half the wealth and right outside of every gated community is a nigger wasteland. You can't have it both ways.
Luke Cook
Is staking/liquidity provision considered income or cap gains? I'm visiting Geneva in September to check the vibe, any other places you'd recommend visiting? I know Zug offers best in class taxation compared to all the other cantons
Logan Wilson
Fuck off we're full.
Cameron Nguyen
>Switzerland is no longer energy independent like it used to be how can you be neutral if you're not indipendent?
Ryder Cox
Don't know about the Grüezis, but all the Bonjours that buy a lot of stuff in France are laughing and chilling indeed. Everything is expensive, but salaries are high and taxes are low (again, speaking for the Bonjours, but whining about high taxes with Swiss life quality when you're next to France and their taxes is like kicking a fallen midget).
Jack Gonzalez
>NHR visa yeah, you are a retard and/or larper
t. Portuguese Tax Attorney
Zachary Ortiz
Is the NHR not a path to citizenship which grants access to EU and Shengen after 5 years and passing the Portuguese language test? Tell me where I'm wrong - happy to learn