Her people

>her people
>her Pokemon

Hisui is a female kek What did gamefreak mean by this

Attached: whatdefock.jpg (1080x608, 52.93K)

Land and inanimate objects are often referred to as females, been that way for a long time.


Countries/regions/places are always female in English

Yeah and im actually from mars, visiting earth and raping your whi*e females with our BAC (Big Alien Cock)

This faggot never heard of the term 'Motherland' before I guess

based ESL thread

damn english can be retarded sometimes

We call it "Fatherland" actually.

So my blender is a she? My camera is a she? My Superman doll is a she? All inanimate objects.

>So my blender is a she? My camera is a she? My Superman doll is a she?
Dunno about the doll but if my blender or camera died I'd say "she's broken"

Hisui = Sinnoh = Arceus = female = Goddess

Arceus confirmed as a tranny?
Our god is literally a tranny?
Oh no no. We got too cocky Sinnoh bros.

I mean, was that what you wanted, OP? I don’t get why you made this post.

Every school teached will tell you: IT'S broken.

Unless you're an objectophile then you should kill yourself this instant.

Damn autocorrect... teacheR

With some exceptions. Germany/Deutschland is associated with the term "Fatherland" even in English, as the only example I can think of. It's almost always motherland, mother tongue, Mother Earth, etc. I blame the French really, they love referring to France as a woman, it's always her or she with them.

So,does that mean i can put my nose in hisui ground and still sniff arceus butt/farts

While English doesn't have grammatical gender (anymore) ships, cars, and countries are often referred to as she/her for poetic effect.

ESLs trying to tell native English speakers how to speak their language is incredible

Wait you mean that the Hisui region is Sinnoh?

No. Not the ESLs. The Oxford Dictionnary and (((her))) friends tell you how to speak your language properly.

Sometimes I try to forget how retarded, underage and/or ESL Any Forums is but this place will never let me forget

>ESL thinks he can speak English better than native speakers because he read the (((oxford dictonary)))

Yeah it’s called vernacular you dumb esltard
The “she” thing is typically used by older people because it’s a pretty outdated way to refer to things, it’s likely used here to show how old fashioned things are supposed to be in the game

Russia uses both for some reason - poдинa [rodina] (Motherland) and oтeчecтвo [otyechestvo] (Fatherland].