Is this where unchecked zard shilling and hubris gets you? How on earth did this abomination even leave the idea phase...

Is this where unchecked zard shilling and hubris gets you? How on earth did this abomination even leave the idea phase, let alone the design phase?

Attached: 895Regidrago.png (1280x1280, 928.04K)

The SWSH Regis are some of the best things to come out of gen 8, they are dope

that looks cool

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>Best things from Gen 8
What a high bar that is

look at this funky little cowboy go

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>when your gen is so shit that the worst regi design is a major selling point

why does he have corns for arms

it's simple and cool, at this point Charizard is just their generic dragon archetype

the dragon one has a better design and a way better name than the electric one

Charizard is fucking BASED tho
Cope dexcuck


Trio > Gigas > nuRegis
The new Regis suck but now I want more of them.

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The SWSH Regis are insulting terrible both as designs and as concepts

>stone age
>ice age
>iron age
>the master
So what the fuck are these new OC Regis?
What the fuck is an electric age or a dragon age

>that motherfucking pause on Regigigas

? regigigas isn't a selling point of gen 8

read that again you absolute retard

What the fuck is a master age?

Attached: regidrago.jpg (3200x6904, 3.67M)

>dragon head man bad
>rock man good

Attached: 73426509438765.jpg (600x337, 30.89K)

Eleki - Industrial Revolution
Drago - Medieval times
Gigas - Prehistory

Medieval era and Modern era.

Common Era