Why does Game Freak refuse to hire more staffers in order to make better vidya? They only have like 100 employees

Why does Game Freak refuse to hire more staffers in order to make better vidya? They only have like 100 employees.

Attached: 2014-Game-Freak.jpg (350x350, 13.71K)

They’re an indie studio

They don't care because people will buy no matter what. Why expend resources when you don't have to?

HAL Labs, the Kirby Developer, has 200. And Rockstar has literally over 2,000 employees.

more people =/= good. They need more time too which they don't fucking do

more people would give them at least the animations for all the pokeman that they say they "cannot" do

>implying hiring more employees results in better games
you can't just slap more people on a project and think that's going to change things for the better. at some point you've reached peak efficiency.

your point?

Stubbornness. While there is truth to the fact that large staffs can cause a lot of problems, I honestly think Gamefreak just feels like they're fine right now and don't need to hire more. 100 employees might have been fine when they were making Gameboy games, but it isn't anymore

>100 employees
>thinking they have that many
It's close to 70

the games have better graphics at least, if we're going to make any baseless correlations. No matter how you look at it though, more employees means more can get done in a shorter time span. And if time is their issue, then having more employees will help alleviate that.

>at some point you've reached peak efficiency.
They're nowhere near that point.

Throwing more bodies at a problem doesn't necessarily resolve it. It helps to have more people on hand, yes, but issues come with having more team members.

>need everyone on the same page, easier to do with less people
>quality over quantity, 500+ employees is one thing but if they're all shit workers then what's the point
>smaller workforce means less resources to spend money on
>things are now even more complicated with covid and working from home

Monolith Soft has around 300 or so employees, more or less. I also recall Game Freak has their teams split in two, called Team A and Team B. I may have once heard of a Team C as well. But going off of the two team thing, if there's 100 or so people working at Game Freak, then only about ~50 worked on one game at a time. However, the credits to SWSH were rather long. Outsourcing, perhaps?

Didn't they recently added more people?

Because you keep buying their games anyway.

monster hunter also has a team system but they're actually efficient with it. GF needs to get on the ball.

They need a team dedicated to multiplayer and a team dedicated to single player

What games have better graphics? Because PLA is hideous and has pop-ins all over the place.

One woman can give birth to one baby in nine months, but nine women can't give birth to one baby in one month. There are some things in software development that adding more people to can't fix. That said, the bottleneck at Game Freak seems to be art and animations, so they very clearly COULD just quadruple the size of their art team and have every game look better while also having more content.

I don't know chief, being able to crap out a game or two every single year for dirt cheap and get back millions upon millions in sales guaranteed solely due to brand recognition and brand loyalty, as well as smart marketing and release date placement, that sounds efficient to me.
They've successfully convinced their consumerbase literally nothing matters to define a Pokemon game except the brand name and catching Pokemon too, anything else is expendable and can be removed with no actual problems in terms of sales.

That's why they outsource help from other companies. They've been doing that since XY, and most recently, Monolith helped with Legends.

>nine women can't give birth to one baby in one month

but 12 women can give birth to a monthly baby

That's why you have like 5 teams so you can have yearly releases but each game has 5 years of dev time. They can afford the developers.