I desire only your smallest Pokemon

I desire only your smallest Pokemon

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I wish it was more easy to find tiny pokemon. I want to have a tiny midget Torterra..

we now have shiny hunters, tiny hunters and alpha hunters, this is truly the best pokemon game in years for hunters.

I want to ride that ninetales

I want that ninetales to ride me

My Pokemon would kill you, traveler. You cannot handle my Pokemon.

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How many different sizes are there?

The normal pokemon have a max for height and weight along with a minimum. There's no easy way of finding the smallest possible pokemon, sadly it's alot of work but i question just how small pokemon can actually go. Found a miniture bidoof but on accident released it with the others. As for the largest any species can be an apex and they are really fucking huge. Some actually look fatter too like Rhydon

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Imagine Joltick being in the next Legends-style game...

a value between 1 - 255 for sizes, then alpha is bigger than 255. So 256 sizes, but the difference between for example size 1 and 2 wont be huge.

You can hunt by weight, too, but I don't think anyone does

It's like a puppy

i want to see more mini mons...

all pokemon are the smallest since them all can shrink

I do. I always make sure my female Pokemon are max weight

Size eugenics is the only thing that makes me really wish we had breeding. Imagine if there was a Pokemon you could only get by breeding for specific size traits


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How do you find tiny Pokémon?

I catch everything and then release all of the ones that aren't the smallest