A 5-10 year old asks you to explain Zoroark and why it has a movie

A 5-10 year old asks you to explain Zoroark and why it has a movie
How do you respond?

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It looks pretty cool and has great design imo

he's the trollface pokemon, he does a considerable amount of trolling

They wanted to repeat Lucario's success but forgot to actually make Zorua available in the game without events.

>"You see, Gamefreak had a cool idea about showing up a mythical pokemon that can turns into humans, and being all fancy and stuff, but then you play the game, and discover is an exclusive event (probably japan only), and you can no longer have it through normal methods."
>"Now come, I shall teach you about the spectacular world of cheats, hacks, and injecting. You'll have a Lv. 100 shiny one in a few minutes inside one of your infinite supply of Master Balls."

Bc she's hot

this but it is way cooler than lucario so it evens out. also can't you get one in bw2? or am i thinkin of somethin else

It doesn't matter. They'd just change the subject to Among us and do a fortnite floss before I could finish explaining.


yikes. my butthole puckered just reading that.
Alright grandpa lets get you back in bed.

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Zoroark might've been Lucario's level now if they made getting a Zoroa possible without events

Bitch this is how my literal 6 year old nephews act thanks to their dumb shit parents giving them tablets with youtube on it at 2 years old to avoid actual parenting, and I know this is an extremely common thing among millennial parents.

>anecdotal experiences caused by shitty parents means all kids are shit
ok pal
also they're 6 either way like i was a tismo when i was 6, still am, not that much of one granted but ya know

>You know how Lucario has a movie, Billy? I'm assuming you do because you're asking about a decade old movie in the first place. But the point is, they wanted to do another Lucario kind of thing, but it didn't really work because they forgot what made Lucario cool to people.

It wasn't Japan only. The shiny event Raikou, Entei, and Suicune allowed you to catch Zorark, and event Celebi allowed you to catch Zorua. Aside from Celebi in Crystal there has never been a Pokémon species exclusive to Japanese games/events. They've all had English releases

"I dunno"

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>The shiny event Raikou, Entei, and Suicune allowed you to catch Zorark
So THAT’s why it was catchable in my game.

I am not a pedofork user, I just want to fuck her senslessly (and maybe milk her cute and funny son's prostate too if she lets me), that is all really

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My cousin first son actual first words were in fkin English because of tablets and phones. English is not our first nor second language. The kid needed therapy to start talking properly because of the words mix-up. Even today at 5 he still uses English words for simple stuff like dog or star... Fk dude, it's real.

All according to keikakku

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