Hey PLAfags explain to me how the boss battles are good gameplay. I love your sweet sweet copium

Hey PLAfags explain to me how the boss battles are good gameplay. I love your sweet sweet copium.

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Explain how their not

they make you do something other than press A over and over again with your overleveled starter

There isnt at least 50 QTEs where half of them repeat the same animation, also constant interrupting cutscenes, and several segments where the boss is completely immune to damage so i have to wait to progress. I want my boss fights to last at least an hour.

They’re good gameplay when using other Pokémon games as a metric. So using previous entries as a comparison, it’s good because it’s more engaging than just pressing A through menus and ending with spamming pokeballs. It requires more brain activity than just spamming pokemon moves or whatever to win, that makes it more engaging.
Comparing it to other games it’s just alright nothing special about it. But this is a pokemon board so it’s natural to use previous pokemon games as a metric for how we experience new games.
Hope that makes sense.

The final boss of the main campaign was definitely lackluster, the legend you caught should have been integrated into the fight, rather than just help you in a cutscene before the fight.
I think my complaint goes towards the difficulty of them, i wish all of them were harder, not full on bullet hell hard. The camera definitely needs improvements for damn sure.

Go back to furfest, Verlisify, even Any Forums hates you

Im not him but that furfag is pretty much the only one who is spot on about the game

From an objective standpoint using existing mechanics in a different ways to make a more challenging battle is the textbook definition of a good boss fight. In this case, throwing balms instead of pokeballs at a pokemon that is stronger and has more time and ability to fight back. The existing catching gameplay is used in a different situation that requires you to focus on the boss and survival instead of just running up and tossing one ball.

>Im not him but I uh, I heard that guy was pretty cool

>Strangers on the internet, justify your enjoyment so I can say it's wrong.

PLA is okay at best but you're a smooth brain faggot

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>comparing it other games, it's just alright

this is where the buck stops

They were cool set pieces, but the huge problem with them was the camera
You need to tilt it up to get a high enough angle on your throw which makes it hard to see your feet and avoid stuff coming at you on the ground like shockwaves
This was most present in the last fight

Are you guys unironically defending these?

PLAxe wounds have no argument. They are delusional drones overdosing on copium.

I like it because I like action mechanics and it's a nice change of pace after already having battled hundreds of Pokémon prior to that fight with the same mechanics. Although I do think it's kind of retarded that you can beat bosses without ever throwing out a Pokémon.

eh, they could be more varied for sure. but the later I liked quite well.
They're also much better boss battles than totem Pokemon

>throw balm x11
>throw balm x5
>dodge x2
>throw balm x4
>itty bitty fight
omg best game ever sis!!

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Compared to what exactly?
>press a with my electric/grass mon in the water gym
>press a with my flying/fire type in the grass gym

Pokémon games have never been hard or engaging, it’s not supposed to be dark souls, cope

When does pokemon just become an action game where you control the pokemon instead that can run around, dodge, and has your several moves mapped to face buttons

>Compared to what exactly?
to the games they ripped off the gameplay from
it's not me the shill trying to defend the clusterfuck that PLA is lmao