Pokemon death?

People don't realize this game will kill Pokemon.
Gamefreak will be taking more and more of it.But they don't realize fans opinion sucks ass.
We better hope it underperforms in sales

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weak bait

>People don't realize this game will kill Pokemon
literally how

they'll take the fans opinions in mind and abandon the pokemon standard formula
A lot of players who are used to standard formula have expressed major concerns

By making it not a soul crushing slog full of random battles that take a fucking year to finish! That's the soul of pokemon user don't you know?

why are you here if you don't like pokemon?

So the future of this franchise is:

"Spamming barren wasteland games?"

>muh standard formula
My only concern is that these "people" are still allowed to draw breath.

I kekked, could you imagine if there were actually people like this?

Attached: 9296B24C-0C87-4892-9B53-5AC7B9E88C1A.gif (267x200, 34.83K)

Yes its sad. expect an inferior copy of BOTW repeated with a feature or two added.

because I do like pokemon, PLA is pokemon user. It's the future of pokemon.

Anyone would leave this franchise and only zoomers plays.

You still buy it

This is the difference between PLA chads and "formula" fags. Formula fags will buy the next pokemon game no matter what it is. PLA chads will not buy a shitty swsh style game ever again. That's why we win, that's why we're the future.

dw you can still experience the soul crushing random shitfights for little progress if you want to finish off some of these research task entries. see a move or strong/agile style 50+ times on some of these tasks


I am the real chad, because I have not bought neither PLA nor SwSh.

you only have to get them to research lvl 10. Maybe it becomes a slog later on idk but so far I've been pleasantly surprised how easy it is. I thought the research tasks were a checklist like "do all of these things" but it seems more like its a list of options, if you're going to use a mon you fill it out naturally by just using it and if you're not just catch a few which takes like 5 seconds.


Pokémon was killed years ago, latedoomposter

yeah thankfully you don't have to do them for research 10 which is mostly just what you need but going off the datamined shiny info from that one guy there was a "Dex Research Perfect" that boosted it and I'm assuming that's finishing off those research tasks

I've just unlocked the last area and it gets a little bit more tedious in the later game but honestly I just think that's because once I unlocked the deer I was just riding around on that all the time and didn't engage in as many random fights and captures like I did when I was wandering around on foot

Nigger, the fuck are you talking about

>this game that is fresh, fun and selling millions will kill Pokémon

>People don't realize this game will kill Pokemon
God I hope so