I just memorized my seed phrase. I am unstoppable

I just memorized my seed phrase. I am unstoppable.

Attached: bigstock-Illusion-Of-Mind-89578661-1170x878.jpg (506x380, 49.52K)

Human memory is extremely fragile, malleable and changeable. Would not advise for your own memory to be your only seed phrase recovery option.

there are drugs that make you tell the truth

they can just drug you and ask you what's your seed
you are fucked

You have to talk though.

>Hey user!
>Hope you're having a great day.
>We heard you repeating something for the past few hours, so we decided to remember it for you (it must be important)!
>No need to thank us, just helping out and doing the best we can!

Attached: iu-7.png (1847x1000, 1.03M)

You dont* have to talk though.

bro the drugs make you talk regardless
you have no control
its CIA and KGB shit from decades ago

Post it to prove it then

Yeah they can make you go through a black out episode and not remember anything all the while disclosing everything to them while under the drugs. It's like date rape but with truth serum

Then how does anyone know they have it?

Lmfaoooo let's apply that logic to a weapon. If the people who get shot all die then how does anyone know the guns are real?

One bonk! one the head and your money is gone kek

Because you can buy a gun at the local pawn shop. Now show me the listing for the CIA truth serum on Amazon.


Attached: 1642277904694.png (1302x1296, 50.61K)

Judaism came 400 years after Christianity.

that's antisemitic

Attached: jews arent ancient hebrews nor israelites by admission.jpg (886x1113, 126.89K)

for anyone wanting to learn this the easy way, if you have 24 words seed phrase, do 6 words each day, in 4 days u will remember the whole thing, takes 5-10 mins of daily practice

Cool, ill save that. It was also around 1860 that they had the word Judaism recorded in the Oxford dictionary to appropriate the entire Hebrew history for themselves.
Some of these chains use 24 seed phrases? Sounds like the best solution would be to obtain a bitcoin and ethereum seed phrase, learn each separately then combine the two when you need a 24.

Just write a gangsta rap using the seed words like all other cool kids bitch

>your phone's camera films you and notices differences in your facial microexpressions while reading words in your seedphrase
>an AI is able to sort them into their roughly proper order based on the magnitude of these reactions
>just brute force the rest of the way there
heh, nothing personnel

I'm german and you are both mentally ill. The jews were expelled from england some 800 years ago because they were shaving gold coins for gold dust which they used to make more gold coins with

very impressive.

I only use my brain wallet as a hot wallet. Checkmate glownigger.

Doesnt mean they stayed out.