How do you choose a token?

>be me
>22 years old
>feels like I'm not gaining profits from crypto and, I don't know if it's my fault or it's just the project's fault that just died with my money
>I want to kill myself since I don't feel like I'm not gonna make it and, I need help
>I'm having panic attacks and anxiety every time the number goes down
What's the common thing that you're looking for when searching for a token? I'm kind of new on crypto and, I would like to receive advice from Any Forums oldfags since looks like this is pretty hard to manage

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>I want to kill myself

see a psychologist

possibly this month

You're 22 go out and party. You have about 2 years before every girl you know looks like a boot and it's done.

Bro you can't expect to be new to crypto and just make, be patient.
When looking for projects go for blue-chips like AVAX to be safe and try to be early on some other projects, its riskier but that's usually fast money.

Buy low, sell high

Dude go to therapy stop being so dramatic

> shills a project after it's finished it's run

>stop being so dramatic
I'm not being dramatic, this is serious. I'm talking about my feelings in an imageboard where everyone is anonymous

Not gonna happen, I hate psychologists

>im not being dramatic
You're having panic attacks over numbers on a screen going down

Just listen to your heart and go with what feels best to you.

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I go for the ones with good uses cases like FUFU

fundamentals, community and having IQ over 100+ should be enough.

my current money maker gems are bch and mist

You’re 22. If you’re actually worried about picking cryptos and not just saying “oh I heard shib is gonna moon” then you’re ahead of 99% of people.

Last year I browsed through Any Forums and found BNT which did well until the May crash. I sold all of it for AVAX which has gone well for me. I’d say buy a bag but the best way to decide is read the white paper, and if it looks good then check if it has active devs


Who wouldn't even go for FUFU since you can stake it for 400% APY

Is this APY sustainable ?

DCA into Saito, Future of Web3

Attached: Saito Is the Future.png (1430x907, 385.45K)

Only a new faggot will ask this type of question. Large APY's like that are not sustainable but they are good because those investing early will get good return and will also benefit from the tokens pump when more investors come in.
So FUFU is a good token to stake especially now that its APY is still much

First of all, go to therapy n then put some money into mist and you'll be doing better.

Hey Mr Fat Faggot, is that MistSwap?