(You)re tryint to fade him (again)

(You)re tryint to fade him (again)
(You) will get rekt (again)

Attached: download.jpg (284x177, 4.11K)

who is this nigger (again)?

Go back (again)

never (again)

arthur hayes


Nah, still waiting for dump, opened a short too

1700 eth ?? oh shit lfg
Dont fade king arthur

No its bitmex wtf happened to this board

>its just like last summer
>it will bounce back right up
>we are not dead cat'ing down and crabbing for a few years

Attached: DoaQWYjUwAU6hYi.jpg (580x454, 25.85K)

he predicted it would go up this year after the first few months

you have to go back

>trsuting a nigger
>let a lone a nigger locked up is prison
>a nigger out of the game for years
>with your financial wellbeing
you nigger followers deserve to lose everything

2020/2021 entrants

Attached: _methode_times_prod_web_bin_10a951ba-262f-11e8-bb7d-85110f4c5caa.jpg (1204x1807, 143.34K)

Do you really think hes locked up? kek

I faded him once, I won’t make the same mistake again. Newfags are going to learn. Have some stables ready for the inevitable.

anybody else got the email that they launch a BMEX token?
or was that just a scam? I am too scared to click the link

Yeah its legit

cool will look into it
is it more like an airdrop for users or are they just wanting our money?

I still remember the faggots who worshipped him when he wrote his nigger blog and I said we're going up imagine listening to his psyop. FFS HES A FKN NIGGER YOU THINK HES DIFFERENT BECAUSE HE HAS MONEY? ALL MONKEYS ARE THE SAME THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU. I remember some fags telling me to go fuck myself, my long says thank you. Stop listening to faggots, and monkeys

he called eth a double digit shitcoin
kek not listening to him