Price prediction for February? I say $110 by the 22nd

Attached: FEG-Token-2021-07-22T100342.890.jpg (1200x675, 32.06K)

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I'm pretty sure we will hit those at least

that's unrealistic. I say we hit $150 by april

What u on btw?
Sure, whatever u say poorfag

The most realistic price prediction is $90 by end of February.


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$10 by EOY

do you think so?

now this is unrealistic

the hill for shitcoins is almost on the other side, fomoing into the avax network is the only path to stability, it's possible to invest in multiple ones at once and stop the rugpulls.

$200 by march

It is possible, the Avalanche summit will create a lot of hype

AVAX CHADS HELP. Vitalik is fudding us on Twitter.

He’s basically saying that subnets are just going to get 51% attacked because whales will want to steal whatever has been bridged over to them.

I feel like there would be an easy way to prevent this but I’m not smart enough to figure it out.

He is correct. Subnets do not share security unless they are default nets, as such you have to evaluate their security independently from the X or C chains.

The skeletal seems to actively follow Emin's tweets, that's an answer to this:

Yeah but wouldn’t there possibly be some solution like have the bridge shut down if x percent of validators say so. Then even though an attacker can shut it down more easily they can’t take funds. Something bro I can’t imagine that emin and company never considered this


and all the conditional contracts on the other chain? someone bridged AVAX, put in in some contract, how do they redeem their tokens according to the rules of that subnet?

>at least they can't steal funds
well yeah, you could do something like that. people are going to be pissed and never trust a subnet again when their tokens are forever locked

Hmm I still don’t really understand but it does seem that the same situation exists currently and never seems to happen possibly due to some game theory or something.

>ETH has market cap 500b
>fantom has 1b
>bridge exists
>ETH fags could easily move over to fantom, get majority of validating power (51 nodes lmao)
>escape from bridge with all the wrapped ETH and ERC20 coins

It’s never happened like this though. Idk I hope emin responds to vitalik

Also it should be noted that even if this is some critical flaw with subnets there is probably a workaround and the Avalanche blockchain will be able to deploy all the same roll ups and shit as ETH. More adaptability and modularity is only good.


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This is not a master plan I’m just throwing shit out there because like I said, I can’t believe that emin and co would have just never thought about this. There must be some rebuttal or measures people are thinking about

Essentially the plan seems to be similar to cosmos. Don't bridge to chains you don't trust.

I’m thinking about it more I think the game theory checks out

>majority of avax validators have an interest in subnets being secure
>can see with which avax the attacking subnet validator staked
>avax validator set can fork to delete all the money the attacker made

Idk I can’t explain it well but this is completely possible. Ideally you would want to have some mechanism to throttle bridges to give the other validators time to delete the attackers shit before he bridges back to avax and then to ETH or whatever.

There is no fatal flaw here in theory though IMO although probably some vulnerability in the early stages of subnets that we have to be careful about.