Why do people pretend Hunter was fast tracked to the belt?

Attached: HHH.jpg (275x183, 12.16K)

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Go back and look at the state of him in DX in 1998, he's barely the leader of his own stable
Billy Gunn and X-Pac get bigger pops than him.
His rise to the top in 1999 was pretty damn quick and it took him some time to fill into the role as a main-eventer (mostly credited to Mick Foley)

>Billy Gunn and X-Pac
And Road Dogg...".oh you didn't know!"

Complete revisionist bullshit

It’s oreyyy accurate. Austin was injured/taking time off when Hunter really got thrown into the spotlight

And in a year he was the most over wrestler in the company

He was the least popular guy in DX after Chyna. But when he returned with the jacket in 2002 he was over as fuck.

Attached: s-l300.jpg (300x300, 18.78K)

The Rock was in the same spot, yet nobody complains.

Kek what a revisionist mark bitch

The biggest year in WWE history was 2000
Who was injured? Steve
Who was away filming? Rock
Who was champ? HHH
Never forget that

t. faggots who weren't watching.
Go back and look at the reaction when he won the title on Raw. Crowd was dead and confused. His first/second reign was a total failure and his feud with Foley is the only thing that made him credible leading up to Wrestlemania.


Because he was fast tracked to the belt?

>crowd was dead and confused

Ratings tanked after Summerslam 2000.
They were riding the wave from 1999.
Rock vs Angle/Benoit was dimeless.

>Three people cheering
>Everybody else showing no reaction
Thanks for proving my point.

>Ratings tanked after Summerslam 2000.
Summerslam and the next 3 PPV were headlined by Rock, Taker, Angle and never HHH
Proves they needed him

Listen to the noise

Why are Triple-fags this dumb? The Rock was around for all of 2000 and left in 01. The rating that HHH marks love to use to claim he was a draw, were the same when the Big Show was the champion. As for his best period, it was when he was muscle for Vince - the real heel. HHH has a great look and is a good hand, but that's all he's ever been. Whenever he's had to go it alone, he's been a flop.

I know. His first/second reign in 1999 were dimeless. His reign in 2000 feuding with Foley/Rock was dimes.

Gaytch was the only interesting villain for Rock. Once Rock moved onto shitters his act got stale fast.

That's quiet as fuck for an attitude crowd in 1999.

This cope is sad

So why did ratings tank when Rock held the belt and wasn't feuding with Gaytch anymore?

Because the babyface chasing has been the bigger draw - at which point, the feud was with Vince and faction, not just HHH. Also, they tried to turn Paulie into a babyface with the Angle/Stephanie thing in 00, however he was a flop.

>muh Foley
Watch the street fight at the Rumble; crowd was dead as fuck. People back then didn't care about it as much as people pretend to now

Yeah because they were brawling in the crowd the whole time and nobody could see shit.
The feud was getting plenty of reaction on Raw.