I miss the REDEEMER so much bros

I miss the REDEEMER so much bros..

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looks based.

Still can't believe they put Sammy over this guy. Sammy hasn't done shit since he went over either. What a waste of a rub

Agreed. But to be fair it looks like Sammys first run was juet to warm him up and now that he finally beat Cody it will hopefully be his real run

it won't

Isn't he defending on tomorrow's Rampage?

Probably, I dunno, who cares?

sammy sucks

This, they did a fake-out and based Cody got heat to then put Sammy over and get him an even better reaction and make people feel like Guevara was an 'underdog'. First match is with Darby so should be good, I'll check that out, but after that Cody probably wont be involved so it might get a little tame. You have to give the Codester credit though, he totally made everyone forget about Sammy's first boring run where he was too busy with the IC.

Do you mark the fuck out for the Codester? The Code, the Coderino?

The Codeman doesn't work on the same surface level that other wrestlers do, he elicits reactions from deep in the soul and works in your subconscious. It's not the usual thing where you're always instantly marking out, it's more like you suddenly realize you've been taken on a wild ride and he worked the shit out of everyone and you're just like damn, how does he do it?

Yeah cause hes not a smark

So would you say you got Coded?

I dunno, might have to think of something with a better ring to it.

This ironic Cody nutsucking meme would've been a lot better 3 months ago.


There's nothing ironic about it smark.

Attached: Codiest.jpg (800x500, 40.87K)

Pls , beat Adam for the world title

People must be faking it if they enjoy the guy with the most talked about segments and storylines who just had a badass match and is cutting the most kino promos while promoting the company on other media and staying in shape while still finding time to work anyone and everyone.

all the while ending racism in his spare time. Is there nothing the Codeking can't do?

Only one thing.
The Nightmare Family can't stop winning. Keep doing your thing, my man, we're on fire right now.

yeah against isaiah kassidy who the story completely revolves around. sammy is just there to get the win to continue the hfo/andrade story

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