You're backstage, you find her used singlet on the floor. What do you do with it?

You're backstage, you find her used singlet on the floor. What do you do with it?

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Find Doudrop and give it back to her.

unrioincally would take a deep smell of the crotch area

Turn the other way because fat girls are gross

low test

take it to the tarp department

Cover my face with it.

My Ute needs a tub cover.

Low standards


The boomer fans are always staring at her ass.
The Xers turn away in disgust.
While the Y faggots look on in encouragement of their own lacking self-value.

she's more successful than you will ever be in your entire life, i'd say getting with doudrop is a pretty good thing. But you incels always have some imaginary standards and endless copes to never have to touch a woman.

okay Jordan

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Unironically these

throw up form the smell

Only truthful answer here. We'd all do this even if we don't like how she looks.

fat skank

burn it and get the fuck out

Wash it and use it as a blanket to take naps

fat bitch

Where would you direct your vomit?