Kek based

kek based

Attached: lawler vs flair.webm (640x480, 1.7M)

I do not comprehend.

Two washed up boomer chuds *yawn*

>lawler doesn't even hit him
you idiots always say he threw great punches - they're almost as bad as shane's

>t. Andy Kaufman

get ya eyes checked grandpa

Extremely based

i can feel the dimes flying out of my pocket

You won't see Cucknette cry about how this is exposing the bidness

>the boomers made it look like a shoo-

god damn I miss seeing a guy throw good punches

Those punches looked good


>Back than wrestlin' was good because we made it look like a real fig-

>boomers shat their pants at this display of athleticism

Extremely based

Who cares? Why do you let an aging wrestling personality work you this much?

Why waste this on a random raw? Flair was treated as such an afterthoughts in WWE

>Why waste this on a random raw?
Because it wasn't 1986?

yeah, but flair's goofy reaction was as silly as anything the Bucks or OC or DanHausen do. It's comedy, not "protecting the business"

I didn't see any heidokens

Nigga, are you out of your mind? Those punches are CRISP.