What the fuck is retard always yelling about?

What the fuck is retard always yelling about?
Every time I turn on Fox News to hate watch it and see what all of the boomers are angry about, it's this idiot yelling. And he's just yelling about stupid shit and shit that isn't real.

It's like if WWE did a news segment about all of their fake storylines. And all that's missing between that and Tucker Carlson is some tight gay spandex

And then as he's yelling about idiotic fake shit, his voice goes up like 10 octaves and it sounds like my dog is eating his chewtoy, and this is your idiotic god

Attached: tucker carlson insane.png (1022x579, 578.64K)

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Imagine every day just going on TV and just yelling. Yelling at America. And yelling at them with fake idiocy and then knowing that millions of morons are stupid enough to be wound up by it and donate to your retarded political party that exists to deprive poor and working class americans of healthcare for it

>What the fuck is retard always yelling about?
I don't think I've ever heard him yell.

I'm a democrat and this idiot is just yelling at America that I "DONT BELIEVE IN TWO GENDERS AND DONT BELIEVE IN DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BOYS AND GIRLS" and I'm a democrat and I can promise you that's just fake idiocy I just want people to have healthcare bro

give me one thing that tucker said that isn't real. provide youtube clip and timestamp.

explain why it is not real.

LMFAO fucking retarded rightwingers invariably showing up and just brutally gaslighting plain reality as always. Tell me more about how "women are created from men's ribcages" a la the christian religion, and yet somehow democrats are the insane ones for this fake belief that they don't believe in boys and girls that you all cooked up, which is totally fake and imaginary on the rightwing

Lol terrible job shill. Youre not changing a single mind. In fact you are re assuring ppl that you being a paid troll means they are panicking

>give me one thing that tucker said that isn't real.
LMFAO oh my god it's a sad state of the world we live in. This is the same stupid shit that the latter years of the Bush administration were, too. When republicans were just so disconnected from reality they just kept saying "Um, ackshually we DID find nuclear weapons in Iraq and also the Bush economy is doing great!" LMFAO

I've never heard him raise his voice beyond being a little animated.

>he does it for free

>but muh gwb
deflection much?

Jew upset not every boomer is watching CNN lmao

Fascinating. Can you address the question posed though? Throw the thread a couple of examples so we can discuss. Can’t be that hard, surely?

Imagine going on a right-wing board to see what people you don’t like are doing. Case in point Tucker is right. Left-wing people are losers, and all they do is hate watch other people while reporting people on Facebook who say faggot, nigger, and retard. Must be a fulfilling life.

>hate tucker
>love wwe
simple as

Attached: lmao.jpg (732x524, 98.15K)

he's playing a role

It is the wrong kind of totalitarianism though. Biden is a satanic pedophile not a Catholic Christian

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No its very real. Liberals cant understand the concept of biological sex and you all want to fuck little kids and raise taxes. Fuck you, yohr a sick pedophile who wants the government to pay for your monkeypox. You disgust me.

Burn the witches.

Thats how you understand that monkeypox actually damaging faggot brains en masse.

so you got nothing. I don't even identify myself as a right-winger. I am a classical liberal. I believe in freedom of speech, movement, and markets. I have been on this board for 10+ years.

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Stopped watching tucker awhile ago.
Straight up watch alex jones now. They all do the same stories and he is usually first. His constant money begging is getting a little bit annoying though.

What the fuck are you yelling at you dumb nigger? Two posts and I have no idea what you're mad about.

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three plus seven equals

He is probably from MSNBC or CNN and came here to whine about raitings.

they are both controlled opposition to gatekeep the narrative. I prefer Tucker over Alex because he is less retarded and more put together but you should ignore a lot of subjects and they will never call out the kikes -- instead, they both openly defend them.

SO MUCH THIS>Imagine every day just going on TV and just yelling. Yelling at America. And yelling at them with fake idiocy and then knowing that millions of morons are stupid enough to be wound up by it and donate to your retarded political party that exists to deprive poor and working class americans of healthcare for it

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Hes literally the only one that doesnt yell at america you fucking fake

Honestly youre sick. It gives me a headaxhe to read this retard shit you wrote

>I'm a democrat

well there's your problem you dumb nigger fucker

hmm. tv watcher. neat. what else is on.