wtf is this shit? what does he mean,
>I have with humble duty to crave your majestys permission for the publication of your gracious speech
>concerning the security of the church of scotland
i understand that the law requires at my accession to the crown to take and subscribe the oath relating to the security of the church of scotland. i am ready to do so at this first opportinity. I , charles the third, by the grace of god, of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, and my other realms and territories. king, defender of the faith, do faithfully promise and swear that i shall inviolably maintain and preserve the the settlement of the true protestant religion as established by the laws made in scotland in prosecution of the claim of rights and particularly by an act for securing the protestant religion and presbyterian church government and by the acts passed in the parliament of both kingdoms for union of the two kingdoms together with the government worship discipline rights and privileges of the church of scotland, so help me god.
True protestant religion?
nothing true about the protestant religion other than its a jewish scam
well retards? england is a vassal state for the scottish freemasons and kikes?
The Church of Scotland (Scots: The Scots Kirk; Scottish Gaelic: Eaglais na h-Alba) is the national church in Scotland.
The Church of Scotland's identity was principally shaped by John Knox, in the Reformation of 1560, when it split from the Catholic Church and established itself as a church in the reformed tradition. The church is Calvinist Presbyterian, having no head of faith or leadership group and believing that God invited the church's adherents to worship Jesus. The annual meeting of its general assembly is chaired by the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. The Church of Scotland celebrates two sacraments, Baptism and the Lord's Supper, as well as five other rites, such as Confirmation and Matrimony. The church adheres to the Bible and the Westminster Confession of Faith, and is a member of the World Communion of Reformed Churches.
Listen and everything will be revealed
you are seapeoples, kikes, freemasons and retards playing dress up. you disgusting heretics
feeds the Eucharist to swine, killed by a Pope
sunk nails in the wooden church door against Christ, new roman, sided with jews for 95 thesis funding after leaving seminary
>King James
Killed Catholics for not reading his version with 7 book removed, made many Martyrs. All for divorce because he cant breed (God doesn't want heretics having kids)
>The other guy
literally who?
Thats a nice jumper desu i'd get that
> sunk nails in the wooden church door against Christ,
Now this is desperate
the protestant religion and catholicism are 95% aligned on most things so your comment is stupid. of course you know that, but you said it anyway lol. hows francis going? enjoying his reign as king of the retards?
>The other guy
>literally who?
Henry VIII. pic related is the mask maximilian I sent to henry VIII, because henry VIII was a seas of chaos kike (ginger)
>Thats a nice jumper desu i'd get that
sold out everywhere, unless you are medium.
>the protestant religion and catholicism are 95% aligned on most things so your comment is stupi
erm, the very basis of the religion, being egyptian, not greek, is a pretty big 5% to not agree on
trinity - egyptian
wedding rings - egyptian
prophecy - egyptian
stories - egyptian
KKK is the true protestant
baptism - egyptian
Amun-Ra, and Horus-Ra, and these are the three gods to whom Rameses IL is sacrificing the Philistines, in the sculptures at Beyroot. At Abousimbel the king also worships Amun-Ra, Horus-Ra, and Horus of Lower Egypt.
At Wady Seboua he is seated in a group with Pthah, Kneph, and Athor. At Silsilis he worships Amun-Ra, Horus-Ra, and Hapimou, the Nile. At Phile the trinity is Osiris, Isis, and Horus, a group indeed common to most parts of Egypt. Other groups were Isis, Nephthys, and Horus, (See Fig. 22); or Isis, Nephthis, and Osiris; and
with a national love for mysticism the priests often declared that the three in some undescribed way only made one person. The above figures indeed do not declare that the three gods are only one; but we have a hieroglyphical inscription in the British Museum as early as the reign of Sevechus of the eighth century before the Christian Era, showing that the doctrine of Trinity in Unity (Fig. 22.) already formed part of their religion, and stating that in each of the two groups last mentioned the three gods only made one person. (Egypt. Inscript., `
pL 36, 4, 5.)
The sculptured figures on the lid of the sarcophagus of Rameses III, now at Cambridge, show us the king not only as one of a group of three gods, but also as a Trinity in Unity in his own person. He stands between the goddesses Isis and Nephthys, who embrace him as if he were the lost Osiris, whom they have now found again. (See Fig. 23.) We further know him to be in the characterof Osiris by the two sceptres which-
he holds in his hands ; but at the
same time the horns upon his head
are those of the goddess Athor, and
the ball and feathers above are
the ornaments of the god Ra.
Thus he is at once Osiris, Athor, and Ra.
>wedding rings - egyptian
>prophecy - egyptian
heres the book. just Ctrl + g, type trinity, and you can pull up all the stuff about it
Catholicism is the original, standard view of the faith.
Orthodox is also original and standard, however they and the Catholics schismed from each other: As in they are separated politically, but still believe basically the same exact thing.
As a matter of fact, Protestants are neither original (outsiders) nor standard (orthodox according to tradition). To be blunt, and i'm not saying this to be antagonistic, the easiest way to understand them is as heretics. You cannot say they do not act in that kind of manner.
1: Every denomination agrees that it is important that Christians be one, as Jesus said that we should be one, and paul (the first pope) said that we must be one in thinking, with no divisions among us. Protestants clearly fail in this regard, and orthodox also seem to fail in this regard. Unifying around a pope makes the faith impossible to divide, and so the Catholic church necessarily always remains one, and so does not fail this test.
2: Jesus prayed that the church would not fail; that the gates of hell will not prevail against his church; and that he would send the holy spirit to guide his church. If the Catholic or Orthodox church have lost their ways, (which is what the Protestantism suggests) this would arguably mean the gates of hell have prevailed against his church. Are we to believe God let the historic church, the men he layed his hands on to ordain, institutionally fall into heresy?
3: All protestant beliefs are based around the idea of interpreting scripture for themselves, but this idea is itself not based anywhere in the scriptures. As a matter of indisputable fact, the bible doesn't tell you to do things by the bible alone, anywhere. it tells you to listen to traditions you are taught, by word of mouth or by letter. In other words, there is no legitimate basis for self determination, but there is scriptural basis for submitting to official church doctrine.
You don't need to know theology to know Protestantism probably isn't correct.
of course i forgot about the fact that 100% of protestants disagree with catholics about the basis of the religion being egyptian not greek. thats totally a real thing that is not completely bs and not true that you just implied because you think it and not every single protestant.
prots are subhuman
What weird straw grasping. This is zeitgeist levels of kike cope.
>of course i forgot about the fact that 100% of protestants disagree with catholics about the basis of the religion being egyptian not greek. thats totally a real thing that is not completely bs and not true that you just implied because you think it and not every single protestant.
>protestants - judeo-christians spawned by the banks, kikes, freemasons and seapeoples
if you accept the religion is greek and semitic (seapeoples) instead of egyptian, you are a heretic subverter. the jews were the hyksos, retard.
the bible is a mishmash of the seapeoples, semites and egyptian religion. its quite clear. you just have not ever bothered to study antiquity or theology. if you want to deny the jews were the hyksos, thats your business, but thats when the serpent worshipping subverted egypt (seas of chaos). the "jews" fled to the outskirts of egypt, because they were the hyksos immigrants who opened up egypt to the invasion of their seapeoples network (antedeluvians). noahs ark and pic related are the seapeoples religion (antedeluvian), hence all the human sacrificing etc. egyptians used to sacrifice the gingers because they were the seas of chaos LOL
the prophecy was a wolf. there was no lion worship in egypt until pic related. thats the proof the prophecy was reconned by the hyksos invasion
you just argued that the 5% that protestants and catholics disagree on is whether the religion has greek or egyptian origins, which is blatantly fucking retarded. you know thats not true - no great schism was kicked up by luther or calvin due to their thoughts on the origins of the religion itself you fucking idiot. all you needed to do to contribute was say something like "I find it interesting that there are several similarities between Egyptian religious practices of the day and christian religious teachings, for example..." and then you could go off and talk about the examples you posted and its interesting sure, but dont try to act like its the primary reason why the reformation happened thats just fucking dumb.
ark of the covenent was built in the exact same manner as the shrine of anubis, and its no secret the ark of the covenent was in the pyramid at giza. even has same carrying poles as anubis shrine.
>you just argued that the 5% that protestants and catholics disagree on is whether the religion has greek or egyptian origins, which is blatantly fucking retarded
erm no it isnt regarded. if you accept the greek or semitic basis, you are accepting the antedeluvian/seas of chaos corruption. if you accept that as the basis of the religion, its heretical from the very first instance.
stop coping you filthy kike apologist