Yes, I support Ukraine, but not because globohomo tells me so...

>Yes, I support Ukraine, but not because globohomo tells me so. I support Ukraine because I have an unabated hatred for Russians

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Gigachad wouldn't care about foreign affairs.

Any Forums a Nazi board likes Russians

Partisan pandering is for plebs

>racially homogenous, highly nationalist, christian country is defending itself against an invasion by horde of aids-riddled churko-mongoloid islamo-atheistic soviet larpers
gee i wonder which of the two sides would the self-proclaimed white nationalists support haha
>visit Any Forums

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This. God bless Poland, the Baltics and Ukraine.

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Russian propaganda is targeting the dumbest 20% of the population, the social outcasts and the losers. It's no wonder they have a lot of Any Forums support.

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>corrupt aids-ridded multiracial shithole with nukes attacks corrupt aids-ridded multiracial shithole ruled by a jew for wanting western gibs.

>I have an unabated hatred for Russians
>because globohomo tells me so.

ukraine isnt multiracial tho
multiethnic, sure, but it really is basically homogenous when it comes to race

>racially homogenous
kek you have no idea

>muh joo
He's the president with term limits, not a life-long dictator like the other one.

Because gibbermints in butthurt belt tells their citizens that they are not as rich as western europeans because of MUH RUSSIANS, like RUSSIANS KEEP (or kept) US DOWN N SHEEET

Based and same

Shut the fuck up election tourist mutt. You don't know shit about Any Forums

Because russia is a degenerate mutt cespool of aids, communism, corruption, islam, alcoholism, mongols and churkas which has done nothing but continuously try (and failä to barbarize and eradicate europeans for their entire history

I'm Russian, tell more!


pol isn't a nazi board
its a board about justice
lurk moar you fucking stupid nigger

You clearly don’t
How new are you and you didn’t even understand this?

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>I support Ukraine because russia have enough land of their own and should spend their money developing it instead of going abroad to steal more clay
simple as

It’s a board of Justice? You even newer than the other guy

What ain’t white?

Any Forums has been astroturfed by russian shills for years now. This place is infested with inbred Ivan's on VPNs.

Hey retards umm I don’t know if guys know this or not but ummm

Lurk more

Now they are not, a lot of turkified people, a lot of ethnic crimean tatars, who are turick, also moldovan/romanians, hungarian minority, etc.

Ukraine is ruled by Dnipro clan, who keep putting jew talking heads in Kiev. Difference from Russia that russians keep the puppet, and ukrainians change the puppet with oligarch-assisted (((protests)))

>goes in circles in the same fucking thread

today i learned that hungarians arent the same racial group as ukrainians lmao

Russia is like the cancer of the earth. They steal land and then fuck it up.

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every rightwing german on twitter ever


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what the exact fuck is a 'racial group' anyway in your head?


>Any Forums a Nazi board likes Russians
no one likes russia except vatniggers.
russia is like the epitome of a shithole - poses as a first world country while it's closer to nigeria than anything.

oh sweet Summer child, you are too new to understand


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>poses as a first world country
i think they gave up on that and started openly brandishing being part of third world as a badge of honor with all that talk of fighting the evil racist nazi imperialistic colonialistic west lmao

the excuse they'll give is
>Because russia is communist
Nevermind places like my country having more actual ex communists sitting in parliament than Russia (not a joke, look it up). But those are apparently fine and if I don't support my government I'm a russian vatnik traitor.
You tell me how that works because I sure as hell can't

being run by people nostalgic for soviet union is the least of vatnikstans problems lmao