Reminder that Any Forums is a Christian board, and it was Christianity that built western civilization as we know it.
The decline in Christian belief and worship can be seen as the root cause for all the societal problems we have today.
Reminder that Any Forums is a Christian board, and it was Christianity that built western civilization as we know it.
The decline in Christian belief and worship can be seen as the root cause for all the societal problems we have today.
Hail Christ. Every knee will bow.
That stuff is obsolete and this is the only cross that matters now.
Inb4 the pharisee shills
"Muh bronze age desert religion" etc
Reminder that the pharisees use these tactics because they hate Christ and Christianity. For the uninitiated, modern rabbinic "judaism" directly descends from the pharisees that Christ admonishes for not keeping the law of God. So now and for the past 2 millenia, they subvert at every turn.
Daily reminder that CI is a glownigger psyop
weird how the jew worship shills seem to post the most around 3-5am
>just throw away your history goy
>just throw away utilising the only rooted tradition in preserving the white race and your ethnicity
why don't you share a Bill 'the race mixer' Cooper quote. Maybe some quotes about how Hitler was a rothschild or some other nonsense too
Yes, the last actual Jew. Not modern (((jews))) aka pharisees.
it's because i and a handful of Australian friends make most of those threads (inbetween reddit tranny bans) and we live in a different timezone than you.
>jew vs jew
>we wuz nonsense
dont care, you worship jews
Jesus wasn't even a real person, you Semitic sodomite
>pic related
Jews need to recruit new christgolems to do their bidding. The numbers must be looking real bad as boomers die off.
that's desperate lol
christianity is a 2000 year old virtue signalling moral fagging cult run amok of which nothing is verifiably true or not just written by shady far gone committees, mystery cults and proto-masonic/judaic agenda peddlers.
are you brown?
>Any Forums is a Christian board, and it was Christianity that built western civilization as we know it.
That's why both are so stupid and evil.
the majority of jew worshipers are brown
worshiping jews makes you a fool, not white
this isnt a christian board, ci niggers are a laughing stock
we only bump their threads to ensure their feeble memetics backfire
I miss the user who offered to pray for folks. He resonated with a good feeling. He felt like a good man whose prayer did have weight.
Do you know the Aussie who makes the possession and exorcism threads?
i'm not a church goer, but i went to church youth groups as a kid and they were always filled with whites despite me living in the most multiracial city is Australia at the time. Only Orthodox and Catholic churches here have too many browns.
I'll ask again though, are you Brown? need to know if your even worth the time
I am not brown. You will also never convince me to worship jews or join your delusional larp.
Don't waste your time on people like that user. They will be as insincere as necessary to attempt to suppress and divide. Easier to let them spin their wheels thinking their words are effective, patting themselves on the back for repeating tired phrases online.
Yeah, maybe go back to your larp site and stop trying to fool people here in to worshiping jews.
>6pbtid in 20 minutes
You seem to care an awful lot about this topic. What alternative do you suggest?
sorry friend, but Christianity is as old as time itself, because from the very beginning there was Christ/God. The new covenant which is between God and the Israelites (The preponderance of Aryan Europeans) is 2000 years,and here's too many more years, Eternal more years even! :^)
correlating Christianity with anything race-based is very psyopical and golemesque..
Christ transcends race.
You have no interest in an alternative, every time I post it you go into a tizzy because you actually hate actual white heritage and mythos and wish to see us erased from the Earth in the name of your jewish god so that the jewish prophecies you keep can come to fruition.
I am only here to refute your ridiculous larp and ensure your feeble wizardry fails. You are a lost cause forever bound to the jew.
You can tell it bothers him. Worshipping a faggy jew in a dress and following a sandnigger religion. Always having to cuck instead of standing up to be counted.
But I think you're right the first time, these recruitment threads are just jews trying to fill their golem ranks because boomers are dying off and not enough golems will be here to protect and enable the jews.