The most capable, eloquent and productive scientist today is an African American

The most capable, eloquent and productive scientist today is an African American.
Does that offend you?

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man your flag says mental incapacity why are you fags even attention whoring on ultra nationalist image board?

He’s an idiot but sometimes he says things that trigger the left, picrelated

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I really don't like Neil Disgrace Tyson..

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What is most offensive is your obsession with someone's race instead of their accomplishments.
You are part of the problem.

>Tweet that made Schafrillas seethe

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Why would it offend me?

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That Jap is way smarter. Hell Joe Rogan knows more about certain aspects than this nog

that nigger sucking jew cock

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Why do morons think Tv presenters are experts?

Neil clearly has autism, he is based

>most produvtive

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>Why do morons think Tv presenters are experts?
It's an american thing.

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TV show you truth, only truth and nothing else but truth... shalom.

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I've never met a non-midwit that even considers this man a true scientist, let alone 'the most capable and productive', you silly troon

Another con man, selling horseshit. He's as fake as all the A list trannies.

He works for the fake science enforcers that distribute through the fake news.

He's a science advocate. Go ahead and point to the groundbreaking studies Neil has published. I'll wait.

Flat Earthers are the 2D persons, physicists keep talking about.

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Not a scientist. He just repeats shit better people have said.

eat red pills normie

where is evidence of flying balls in imaginary space?

Space is as real as Godzilla we all sow it on the screen, right?

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you think you are smart. but you are not smart enough to realise that you are in fact 100% retarded and hopeless.

>productive scientist today is an African American

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where is space cock sucker?

You think about earth from perspective, that does not exist.


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