So KY decided to go full treason?


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Now go take this medical test boy.
Oh wait we lied to you and ordered your records gave to us and made you undergo an exam for the state
Oh we just hid our incompetent verdict behind a statute Guilty but mentally Ill haha and now we won't let you appeal or defend yourself against it.
Any lawyer calling all lawyers to take these Laurel countian authority to bat in court
>im afraid there giong to attempt to kill me or something

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how so?

image related is what happens to me in a criminal court case. I tried to appeal, because my lawyer attempted to block me from telling mr caperton i didnt give a shit what he thinks.
I am treated as if tho i am incompetent and they gaslight me with this knowing its hidden. One lawyer spends his nights trying to frame me. My job attempted to fire me saying I had threatened to woop the managers ass after I was in a wreck while working for them.
My lawyer refused to help me with my case and defend my 8 weeks of whiplash my doctor had put in his records.
My doctor on the last 2 appointments defended right to work laws against me in my visit telling me "are they going to even take my dr excuses? they dont have to..." to me when i said to him to write me to go back to work because he had been writing me off of work for 8 weeks.
my lawyer quit. i went and got a new lawyer and for 2 weeks she's told me she'd email me a copy of the contract she wasnt around to sign when i went to her office to hire her. and hasnt' called me. today was supposed to send me the contract and no email

not a single lawyer in this state has said or done anything for me about this. I had to get this paper off teh voter registration office becuase the clerks doesn't have anything on it.
I was told when i went to appeal it and called a lawyer that I was, found incompetent. But I didnt know were or how.

and uh reasonable belief does not equate probable cause for the denying of privacy or violating your private hospital records or conflicts of interest while you talk to a doctor.
and they use reasonable beleif in court to let a cop get away with murder
and they made up a new law that seems to be useless but seems to hide their damage they do to someone who they arrest and put in jail when they find them incompetent as if tho arresting isn't harm when they deemed you (after the fact) to be incompetent becuase it dosent say anything about not being done after the fact either

BUT dont worry about it your probably in another state, and my topics not bumping.. again

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ok fine maybe ill try my luck on red dit since noone here knows how to take anything into consideration that it might happen to you.

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They are doing this shit all over
Targeted individuals and dissidents get called schizo and are forced to take drugs that really fuck them up and reinforces the schizo
Do whatever you have to do to get out of that shit
It's the fucking freemasons btw
This is an old Soviet tactic

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its Jesuits and i was told by one of them they OWN THE "section" OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT
fucking tired of it. thats IT thats all theyve got on me. their kids went to Georgetown college and they live in this county (notice i didnt say city of (seat))
its pretty simple to solve. they have kids i went to school with starting in around 84ish and was in preschool with were they gave me death threats after putting me in a threatening situation.
I have had social security cancelled, with no reason and so nothing to appeal since my car wreck and the lawyer who quit my case..

more than 80% probability you're a nigger

no i had the highest iq tested when i was in 2nd grade at my k-8 school, and no in the mid 80's there was hardly any niggers around here

They call themselves civil engineers and they identify as freemasons

What are your charges?
Were you outspokenly no vexx no mask?
I have experience with this
Did you go to an evaluation?
The letter you posted is from 2006

>another schizo druggo posts on Any Forums for sympathy
>neglects to mention that he was on meth and ran into a Wal-mart while completely nude and assaulted an elderly woman
>"dude the state is after me lol"

either glowie or druggo

in both cases, you can suck a dick and then suckstart a shotgun

I'll suck start a shotgun by ductaping your mouth around the barrel and hooking your enema buttplug up to a vaccume pump

>samefags own thread


either glowie or schizo druggo

in both cases, you can suck a dick and then suckstart a shotgun

no they call themselves the authority around here and say they have "reasonable" beliefs, as opposed to your unreasonable and schitzo ones, around here.
I have the ticket the cop said after he calls my landlord 20 minutes later when he shows up he told him I have problems and he felt scared for my safety. (bullshit) problems with neighbors he had kicked out of the apartment for calling the cops after he told them to stop doing it over every noise. the next door guy had todl him once he heard something because him and the other person where 2 gossipers. TLDR Loud music
i always have been and was told about this vaxx by (((them))) in 1988 but it made no sense then, i totally believe you took it your 90% fucked
i went to a exam but wasn't told it was by court order
they connected the questioning of the doctors to the court case,
see in the order it says >my mom has to take me to it?
yea.. they stayed out of the room, came in after 5 min told me my mom told them i was fighting with teh neighbors...
>my mom wrote i was fighting with them in a review i was sent for while in jail. I asked her later why she did that she said to get me out of jail
i dont even hate drugs but I dont do them

>reasonable belief

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They are fucking me over
using me as a stepping stone to fuck their own area over
>im from western ky
and are claiming that Reasonable equals "Clear" indication
this isnt even about me this is about this fucking area sitting on its ass letting their stupid prosecutor and corrupt drugged out judges and paid off cops and lawyers do whatever the fuck they feel like.

you know this
>clear indication
caused the jury to not deliberate over that store video and the cop got away with a 2nd degree charge instead?
this cpo they bragged about his medals from another state

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so you used the word treason as clickbait. got it

this incompetent removed from the voter registration office isn't the case were the order was wrote in, that used the KRS 504.100 at. (which demands a hearing be held to determine competency
that case shows a guilty verdict
neither does the voter record show were it came from either but i know what date that lines up with and was told which judge by the guys in frankfort. it wasn't the same judge
No the judge didnt do a double jeapordy trial

Not my thread count
The masons tried to asylum me
Glowniggers probably made this thread to b8 me into sliding my own thread
Many such cases

how is it not treason to hide your verdict
split up the verdict by misuing the statute Guilty but Mentally Ill
And lying about it to me then hiding what you did using "reasonable belief"
Then, using the term reasonable belief later in a trial against a guy who was executed by yoru cops, to let the cop get off on giong to jail

and deny me the ability to defend myself against this?
and use the hidden nature of it then to attempt to get me killed to appease your jesuit leader who gave me death threats when I was four year old in church
>howd you ilke to get a bad tooth that ends up to you winding up dead
The cop was at that church and was the church's preachers son
Ive even told the preacher to get him to drop those charges cause im giong to appeal them. he just put a smile on his fat face

wow fuck now the fat fucker can break into everyones places.

theyre getting their whole family into the court system then and their friends around here. He's a scumbag

Your writing is all fucked and I'm to drunk for this
Try to not write like a drunk stoned schizo plz I wanna help you