What is the best way to steal from Walmart, Target and other megacorps? And more importantly, what are the political implications?
What is the best way to steal from Walmart, Target and other megacorps? And more importantly...
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You nigger
No cameras in the dressing rooms (not legally anyway)
>What is the best way to steal from Walmart, Target and other megacorps?
Don't shop there. Starving the beast will do far more damage than stealing candy bars.
nigga im in it for the free candy bars, not the "damage"
it's pretty easy since everyone can just wear masks everywhere
fake scan that shit faggot.
They will soon fix thief problem by selling everything via vandal proof vending machines in dominantly nigger populated areas.
No security and no shop assistent, just soulles automat with facial recognition and card terminal, that sprays tear gas and calls police if necessary.
not encouraging degeneracy but most women in target shoplift by sticking shit in their baby stroller
Oh yea,
they can't fix the nigger thief problem,
but they're gonna fix the new white nigger thief problem.
They ain't fixing shit because if they did - they would've fixed one problem by now.
Steal from the whole foods. Corporate policy is to never even call law enforcement on shoplifters.
Literally walk up, load up a cart and walk out. Nobody will do a damn thing.
Just piss and shit all over their bathrooms before the store closes. They'll have to pay a wagie overtime to clean it up.
This is what anti-racism gets you. Blacks have no consequences against them. They might as well just do like the Amazon store and let them take what they want. Problem is the corporations will send the bill to the government who will send the bill to the taxpayers.
>they can't fix the nigger thief problem,
Yes they can.
Minus 1.000.000 social credits for each stolen can of soup and certain social credit admition level at turnstiles at mall entrances with facial ID and fingerprint scan.
No more stealing niggers. They can play outside.
In China you can not buy a bus ticket or put your kid in school if your social score is at the bottom.
Dont fuck with people just trying to survive their day you faggot.
>What is the best way to steal from Walmart, Target and other megacorps?
Go to LA, San Francisco, or any other city where they've decriminalized theft under $900. Walk in, take what you want and drive away. Employees aren't allowed to try to stop you, the cops won't come, and if they do you'll be released the same day because of bail reform.
>And more importantly, what are the political implications?
We're in the "looting the treasury phase" and generalized nigger behavior is unsustainable.
This sounds like a hot plan
>social credits
>for niggers
user we already have that in place in many forms and it doesn't stop them in the slightest, if anything it emboldens them to do even more crime. When it comes to them, you have to use capital punishment or exile. Whites today are too enlightened and Christ-like for such "barbaric" methods.
1. Go to California
If you go to Illinois next year it's a ticket. There will be weekly purges. Good times.
Read the shoplifting section of "Steal This Book". Still pretty relevant even tho it was written in like the 60s. You'll have to apply some modern common sense because some of it is dated but the core values are the same.
hack their database software to cause shipping disruption and sell their customer data to rival companies. not really though because these companies are DHS FEMA fronts now so necessary evil. maybe a lawyer could create a case for militarized economy being a virtual monopoly.
Getting a job there, doing the fuck all bare minimum until you get fired. Make some excuse like you're sick and not 100% and get a week's pay for doing almost nothing but sitting in on a couple training seminars.
Plus you help the wagies get raises since high turnover means the company is more willing to compensate long term workers.
>Yes they can.
You're right. They can, they just won't.
Self checkout
Take shit from pharmacy
Featherweight don't trigger machine
Pain pills muscle relaxants
You can find the barcodes for any product on the planet online.
You can also find machines for printing off barcode stickers.
Many stores have self serve checkouts.
Products like LEGO appreciate in value 50-100% within two years of leaving store shelves.
LEGO can be easily bought and sold for cash.
>Whites today are too enlightened and Christ-like for such "barbaric" methods.
White man is a dyng species.
What all this black and brown people will do without whites? Chimping out? Twerking in front of burning cars?
1. Don't look shifty. Security know they're never going to see you pocket something so that's not what they're looking for. They're looking for the dude who is always looking over their shoulder.
2. If you see the same person in more than 2 aisles, put the items back. You've just been made by an undercover guard.
3. Ask a store attendant for help finding an item. The guy whose in and out quickly while trying not to be seen is sus, the guy whose trying to find something and willingly interacting with staff reads as a normal shopper.
4. Go through the checkout and pay for something. The more you legitimately buy the less guilty you look. The dude who makes a beeline for the exit without buying anything raises attention. This will also help your case if you do get pinched. Speaking of:
5. If someone calls after you as you're leaving, walk fast, don't run, don't turn around, don't acknowledge them, plausible deniability, you didn't hear shit. They won't chase you out onto the street and if they didn't actively see you nick anything they won't bother forwarding to the cops. If they do somehow get you, act apologetic, tell them you're out of money, your dog's sick, you needed whatever item. Good chance they'll let you go. Don't bother trying to tell me you want to preserve your dignity because we both know thieves don't have any and this is the easiest way to get out of it. If you're a smart ass, the smelly Indian who just grabbed you will call the cops out of spite. If you make his life easy, you'll walk 50% of the time.