Realistically, how long does Israel have left until it becomes a massive jewish graveyard?

It seems as though everything is starting to go south for them all at once; militarily, demographically, politically, etc...

Attached: Prince Charles.png (635x723, 511.18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

oct 31 2032

Attached: basedschizo_thirdtemple.png (1833x822, 297.71K)

They are already hedging bets by backing nationalism in America and nationalism in general around them. They know there's no path forward if they don't cut ties with the diaspora

>backing goy nationalism
where did you hear that?

Just look at how soft they've been on Russia even with the hate boner from NATO. Trump subverted them nigga

I love how these articles portray it as a wicked thing he's done, but never elaborate on the intricacies of Zionist behavior in Palestine.

>oct 31 2032
Still seems too long.

hedging bets is why they can never have true alliances or friendships with any country. they always want to be in a position where they can, at a moments notice, betray those around them. they still have a nomadic parasite mentality and are probably also mentally ready to leave israel.

How could he not know that America WAS a Jewish state by then? Even Churchill was stabbed in the back at Suez.

They are clearing out ukraine as a back up plan

that's what thousands of years of being hostile parasites will do to a sub-species though.

And how his fellows supported the creation of it, it's constant wars, crimes and nonsense, ...

well, what do you expect, msmkike media:

orange zoggy fatass actually said it, "Israel does not want to make peace or settle" they were frothing at the mouth when he said that.

funny how he becomes Schrodinger's jew: gas chambers mcAuschwitz any time he does anything even slightly critical of kikeistan, then the next day the best friend of all jews worldwide

hmmm so is the diaspora gonna get bred out of existence?

1986 was 36 years ago. Pic related was 2015

Attached: Prince+Charles+Evelyn+de+Rothschild.jpg (600x430, 69.81K)

King Kike Killer Charles in Charge. He will have his revenge

Very based if true, This is our last shot boys. Give Energy to the Last White Male King.

Damn, the king seems based

>1986 was 36 years ago. Pic related was 2015
All the more reason to believe he's secretly based you fucking muttgoloid.

And they are trying to hide it:

That chest poke must have hurt.

do bongs and bong-adjacents actually believe a burned out and used up 70 year old sellout is going to rejuvenate their country?

>you heard me Charles, I said BLACK