Europe deserves every death/financial ruin that this winter will bring
Europe deserves every death/financial ruin that this winter will bring
I'm just gonna keep the heat on and take warm showers.
These are not Europeans typing, these are jews.
>Europe deserves every death/financial ruin that this winter will bring
so around 20 deaths from homeless migrants?
a couple of warm sweaters? lol. meanwhile in Canada the average leaf has a couple of warm jackets.
Enjoy €3000 utility bills, frog
you're a jew, if you want to help actual communist dictatorship invade europe, then divide and conquer it, because you're too pussy to spend a few more cents, you should be burned at the stakes for being a traitor, flee to russia before justice catches up with you
fucking eurofags have been turned into servile cattle due to years of kike influence
Russia deserves every humilliation and loss of international standing this winter will bring.
Should I be burned at a stake for pointing out that those posters were in fact jewish? Qui?
bong here, im planning on taking hot showers and keeping my room at 16C
>youre funding the war!!!
literally not my problem, im not going to suffer for israel
This is pretty part and parcel for the eternal anglo
I hope that this winter makes everyobe hate the greens and the climate agenda
you are trying to help a KGB agent who is invading european land, yes you should be burned at the stakes
I can't wait for global society to implode.
ESL and Jewish?
Why? Because they oppose warmongering? Would you actually give up some comfort in your efforts to suck putins cock?
Kek. These fags will be the first to be eaten when society collapses
>tfw viking genes mean I won't even notice the cold this winter
I'm only worried about mold, to be honest. That shit grows when there is no heating, right?
They are being conditioned for WWIII at least we know where the battleground will be.
I know, crazy, europeans aren't born and bathed in the language of globohomo brainwashing
Start a trend to suicide for Ukraine, these retards will jump on the wagon.
Why do I have this feeling that this "crisis" is not really as big of a deal as it's being made out to be?
No. Mold needs warm, moist air.
In what way did I do that? You are literally delusional or very bad at English
>I'm only worried about mold, to be honest. That shit grows when there is no heating, right?
I thought it was the opposite? Maybe not
No, but the faggots in the OP would. Reading comprehension goes a long way, user
You lot could resort to buggery to keep warm.
Russia are Europeans you dumb idiot. They're Slavs.
I keep my windows slightly open in winter at night because I love fresh air. I don't freeze because the heater takes care of the cold air.
I would freeze to death at that temperature.
You’re right, in your case you were born into learning a faggy language in a culture influenced by a history of constant failure
I wonder on how you Z troons will cope when nothing happens this winter??
>Some random nobody seeks attention on rebbit.
This seems really important. Hopefully you all fuck back off there so that you can keep us posted with how this important happening develops.
Mold requires three things to grow: enough moisture, adequate food source, the right temperature. Mold can grow in the winter but spores are opportunistic in the sense that they wait for the right conditions and then begin to spread. Extreme temperatures do not kill mold, but they can deactivate them. Even when temperatures drop below freezing, mold spores don’t die so they are dorment until the next season.
Go back faggot itoddler
That is even logical: dead people don't use gas or even diesel. I mean after their cremation.
Cremation requires much coal or similar burnstoff. You can count the amount required if you want to but you shouldn't.
The funny thing is that both things eill happen. They will freeze in the dark and ukraine will be taken kek
2 more weeks right?
They're Slavs corrupted by Mongols, little more than orcs.
>actual communist dictatorship
>post soviet Russia
Low IQ
It isn't good. They are going to force them into buying into the kikes great reset like they did with the vax. Eurape needs to stop being faggots and immediately prep like their lives depend on it
>Drops mortar into unmanned, unmoving tank
> Open windows, comfy 25C inside.
> Don't even know where the heat comes from. Other people pay it forced by the government.
> Not my problem.
Take that Putler!
i've said so for several months.
and you're just a spic
It's hard to find operational manned ones to bomb, they keep crashing themselves.