Atheism is unironically the future

America was founded on the principles of a clear separation of church and state, and the percentage of Americans who are at least somewhat atheist has risen over the past few decades from under 10 percent of the U.S. population to around 30 percent of the U.S. population.

Bright people of all ages, races, genders, sexualities, and spots on the bell curve are leaving religion, definitely for the better.

Christcuckery will most likely become a thing of the past once the boomer indoctrinators inevitably become maggot food, and mankind will evolve to become a more rational species.

What are the political ramifications of the rise in atheism in America (and the west in general)?

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God is on our side. And with us all.

The heckin' Le Golem OS book has been completely refuted and proven to be very contradictory.

God is imaginary. Souls aren't real. Jesus never existed.

I'm sorry you have terminal theological libshitism. Terminal

This, this, and this!

Christcuckery is on a sharp decline because it's arguably the most backwards religion on Earth.

Damn, that's crazy OP. Since you're atheist, can you please denounce the Talmud? Shouldn't be a problem for you.

But the stories written by Bronze Age goat herders says you're wrong!

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I'm sorry that you are permanently brainwashed.

*You're not permanently brainwashed.

You have to find reason, user.

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Hi OP, please read and denounce the Talmud if you're atheist.

I honestly don't care about jewish people or judaism.

They exist, and I don't spend that much time pondering about them.

Third time, denounce the Talmud. It should be simple for you.

Can you give us a better alternative?
Then go fuck yourself, kike. :^)

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I can give you a better alternative.

A better alternative is being able to ponder for yourself and being a rational, responsible member of western society.

Here I'll do it, I denounce the Talmud. Anymore retard incantations?

I'll denounce it.

The talmud is fictitious jewish theology, and it has little to no relevance in 2022.

>Can you give us a better alternative?
Why not figure shit out yourself?

Nihilism and unbridled violence

Thank you, have a free bump and carry on.

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Atheism is not even remotely related to nihilism.

I don't know what you're on about.

Not all atheists are Plebbitarded consoomers.

You simply can't ignore obvious things such as axial tilt.

For some reason Christcucks think you need an imaginary man watching over you for your life to have meaning. They don't realized humans themselves are the only ones who actually find meaning in anything, including life.

Very true.

The fall of christcuckery is proof that mankind is actually evolving and becoming more rational.

I don’t see how Americans can claim it was founded under god. God chose the king, america rebelled against god’s choice, that makes them the adversary.