I was listening to last night's Timcast show and out of nowhere this ANTISEMITE here goes on a huge rant about Jews being colonizers and Israel being a clonizing state. This is unacceptable. I didn't get a premium Timcast subcription to listen to literal NEO-NAZI propaganda. Tim should get this filthy white supremacist out of his show. We need to cancel this disrespectful goy.
We must demand an apology from this antisemite and Tim must let him go. Otherwise, Tim will be confirming that he is also an antisemite. If I don't see a retraction I will cancel my subscription.

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timestamp pussy

>I was listening to last night's Timcast show
well theres your problem

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Kikes are always the problem because they are subhuman

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"Listen man, I don't take strong opinions on anything. Ask your doctor, CIVIL WAR NOW"

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Dude I loved that. Ian is based.
Watch Tim drop him like Adam

Whoa, bro. Don't post that shit here. This is a pro-Semitic board.

Every time I try to watch one of the clips from the podcast it's just a bunch of people circle jerking about some political shit.
It's literally made to pacify you from doing anything of value.

The did after nearly 2000 years show up and start kicking people off their land
Then the border set was and still is continuously expanded in direct violation of UN international agreements

In all fairness the majority of Tims guests are Jews
That is an absolute fact
The literal majority of his guests. Also on his production team they are well represented.

I'm not posting nazi propaganda, you don't need to see it. Just cancel him ok? It is politically convenient for us to cancel this guy.
I don't reply to nazi trolls

You... PAY.... to listen to Tim Pool? You get what you deserve being that fucking stupid.

Ian is a fucking complete retard that did way way too much acid at some point. Tim's entire existence and financing is to be a gatekeeper in future for his Right leaning audience to shift them also leftward. It is pretty clear considering youtube keeps him around and when a topic is truely controversial he always backs the msm narrative. mRNA injections. No fraud in the election Trump totally lost bro. Whenever its something critical he urges his audience in a direction that either neutralizes any formative response or tells them X didnt happen and Y is probably what happened but those who believe X are just lunatics when in reality, X is exactly what happened and he knows it. He has a role and he is playing it well. He will never take a line in the sand stance on anything. Even things he now seems to stand for like 2A will eventually be shifted to "Common sense gun control"
Gatekeeper through and through. I have no evidence to back it up but my gut says even some Jewish finance involved in helping him get started. When he says he wants to change culture by creating it, he means it, because he wants to be the net that captures the right as they flee msm and then over the next decade or two moving that fence on which he is so lofty perched, leftward.
He was and will always be a leftist. From Occupy to current. Says, "Talk to your doctor about the vax" knowing all doctors will tell you to take it. He says Trump totally lost and Biden won and there was no widespread fraud. Ignoring all the evidence that there was. Like the 4am ballot drops that put Biden up near Trump or in some cases over. He is in my opinion an agent of the left to lure in the right during this great fleeing of MSM to capture them under his wing and set the standard of what Right wing is, that being a literal leftist.

He also loves lawsuits so be careful what you say or how you say it.

These are my opinions

...you are already hated by everyone, dont push it over the edge! ...

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Thanks for replying to me anyway. I don't usually talk to bottom cuck sissyboy jew faggots but I made an exception. Isnt compromise great?

is this is gorilla marketing by Tim? I know he hires reputation management firms and I know he browses Any Forums. Is he making Ian say anti-kike shit to draw us in?
His channel has totally stopped growing for the last 2 years.

she used to be a stripper.....

Ian is a fucking retard pothead downie. Knows fuck all about anything and knows it well.

Tim is awful too. Stubborn little man who can't stand those who disagree and needs to push them away for him to feel comfortable. He's so fragile.


>so WHAT about the color of their skin
>statistics are statistics MAN
seriously, what happened to him?

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that nose. hmm. she may well be an example of my earlier post. that the majority of Tim's guests are jewish.