>labor creates money because… because fuck you thats why
Labor creates money because… because fuck you thats why
>I assemble one chair a day
>my colleague assembles one chair an hour
We should earn the same according to marx
have you guys even read Marx?
Enough to know he couldn't manage a grocery store. Commodity fetishism my ass.
worse than that, we UNDERSTAND Marx
I created money once... I'm never telling the secret!
I read Marx once, never again!
I’ve read enough of his shit, I can see why it appeals to those with no aspirations
bank doubles money supply
now both earn half while my friends get rich
divinely inspired human hierarchical cooperation is the only thing that create value
and all the artists, writers and poets are the beautiful offshoots of that very thing (blossoming society)
all heil the King of Kings
all wait for the actual Kings to come back
Labor creates value, not money, because if you have no human activity in a system... you have just that, an abstract system with no exchange of value.
Im not a marxist and this isnt a marxist position, it's just an observance of fact.
Scarcity isnt the source of value because you can measure oxygen in the air and it places a part in every economic transaction. It is measurably scarce.
Supply vs demand determines price, not value.
Value and price are not the same thing. Day one economics.
labor creates wealth in the form of goods and services
goods and services are traded using some medium of exchange
Jews created money to get a cut of the action ... because fuck you thats why
marx was a leech that lived off of inheritance of wealthy family members
Marx never laboured and never created anything of value to prove his point.
yes. I am quite familar with Marx's labor theory of value. Its insanity and mocked by every serious economist.
Marx's labor theory of value is thoroughly refuted. only indoctrinated ideologues still believe that shit. you are retarded.
Ops post was better
>serious economists
>who think things can be produced without energy and without waste
that's not saying much
Energy Theory of Value is the final redpill
Energy theory of Value still suffers from the same flaw as Marx's labor theory: Value is subjective
The value of a thing is at least the theoretical minimum amount of labor required to make it. If the price goes below that, the thing isnt made economically and becomes a non-commodity. This is the mud-pie example people use when they dont understand the difference between value and price.
value is subjective.
say I own a business making bottled water. my workers spend an hour to make one bottle. two customers come by, one hasn't had anything to drink in 3 days. the other just got done drinking a gallon. the thirsty guy offers me $10 for the bottle of water, the other offers me $1. according to Marx I have now somehow exploited an additional $9 from my workers despite selling the exact same bottle of water I would have sold to the other guy for $1
labor does not determine the value of anything. all value is subjective to each individual