Kill all jews - that's all

Kill all jews - that's all.

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Fortnite is already gay, how can it become anymore gayer.

says the mountainjew

How can anyone find even a modicum of enjoyment from this? This game is for little kids too.

Fuck you

Why are str8 trash so insecure?

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Fortnite is a gay version of PUBG. honestlyconly plays cs source which is alpha


This game has *always* been full of niggers

Serves you right for being a gamergay incel

>implying I play the electronic videogoy simulator
It's a fucking kids game. Why does there need to be faggot shit in it. I guess it's already the norm in burgerland, so you see nothing wrong with it.

lol you're absolutely triggered over it. Why do you care gamergay? Have you seen zoomers or are you just another seething one? They're gay as fuck and like a bunch of parrots copying whatever they hear.

I fucking love faggots, they are dead ends and kill themselves with all kinds of fun diseases. They are the perfect worker drones just consuming everything and leading empty lives. That's why they are advertised to. They actually buy shit instead of crying about it all day.

Am I supposed to feel bad for sick people who fall into the homo trap? Absolutely not. They are nothing but worker drones and degenerates killing themselves. If you stopped for one minute to stop trying to save morons from themselves you might figure it out.

grooming children through games as well now just great.
Every piece of media is literally programming at this point.

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How did we go from my childhood in the 90s when we made fun of fags and called everyone a faggot, to 20 years later having our video games celebrate faggotism?

Why not just play the OG battle royal (Dayz)?
Instead of being a fag.


>How did we go from my childhood in the 90s when we made fun of fags and called everyone a faggot, to 20 years later having our video games celebrate faggotism?
Jews. Unironically

They're the bullies now.

Only way to go back is to destroy their channels of communication - social media.

We are still calling everyone a faggot and nigger in games. This shit is just for normies that don't know better

>We are still calling everyone a faggot and nigger in games.
Just wait till they roll out ai to listen to all game chats and insta ban bad goyim

zucc already tries that in Meta
Result: No one fucking uses it because it's a pile of crap and boring to the brim

don't like it, don't play it, simple.

Is Fortnite just gay Team Fortress 2?

Death to pedophile loving kikes

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what do you suppose is the average lifespan of a global civilization that enthusiastically celebrates promiscuous anal sodomy and anti-natalism and dysgenics?

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