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What happened to the party of “LAW & ORDER”?
Hudson Hall
Isaiah Torres
Hey, OP, just wanted to let you know that niggers tongue my anus. That is all.
Thomas Ramirez
>Hillary sent classified documents over personal email
>Trump had documents he was entitled to
Its kind of different
Jacob Sanchez
Trump’s documents were declassified. Go back to R/politics
Jacob Flores
How about we treat Trump the same we did Hillary?
Also, presidents have unique powers over classified information that secretary of state does not. Now go choke on your vape
Liam Stewart
But were the documents classified user?
Hudson Thompson
Oh, wow, democrats do "everything for my friends, all the weight of the law for my enemies" since always and the suggestion republicans do the same (you wouldn't know what classified documents says. also, don't delude yourself, they do it too) makes you jitter and rattle
Oliver Sullivan
I love rosemary as much as the next guy, but that's a fuck-ton of wasted herb.
It's barely going to flavour the milk, and since the milk doesn't actually penetrate the flesh of the beef, the beef is going to taste very faintly of rosemary.
A much better way would be to add even a quarter of that amount of rosemary to a salt mix and add it after the steak has been boiled.
Milk + Steak is definitely based, but letting it "dry" age in milk for a day or two is infinitely more based than fucking boiling the goddamn steak in milk.
Austin Taylor
Election fraud. Simple as. No one should play by the rules if one side refuses to.
Jason Hall
>empty folders marked "CLASSIFIED"
Based shitpost
Nathaniel Davis
only a fool obeys laws that are no longer enforced
Thomas Anderson
Reddit! Reddit! Reddit!
Adam Roberts
There is one party that pretends to be two competing parties.
They do what the people that got them elected tell them to do and hope to make some money on the side. And by those that got them elected, I mean those that paid for their campaigns not voters.
Voting in a con and the general public are marks.
John Thompson
Trump was President.
Hillary was not.
Why are leftists so fucking retarded?
Thomas Stewart
Where did he ever 'mishandle'
also you just admitted that clinton did have classified despite shariablue saying she didn't. Time for a software update.
Lincoln Williams
The president decides what is classified, the secretary of state does what he says or goes to jail.
Parker Young
This is actually true though. Trump was the president so he can declassify whenever and whatever he wants.
Asher Lopez
So you're saying Trump should be treated like Hillary Clinton?
No crime committed then, thanks for clarifying that.
Carter Howard
hillary never was and never will be president
Cooper Peterson
Trumps a backwards talker
White knight who talks backwards
While the red queen's "off with their heads"
in other words
a mason skilled at deception.
invert most of the things donald says to find the truth
Tyler Hughes
Presidents literally cannot mishandle classified information
Navy v Egan.
Jonathan Evans
>President takes home papers
>Secretary uploads documents to the internet
These two things are different. And even if they weren't, the point is that 'law and order' is being attributed differently based on political parties.
Why even bother with this botted to hell site.