>New pm shakes hands with queen
>queen is dead not even 24 hours later
Bongs, all jokes aside, this is a sign. Your new pm has the touch of death
New pm shakes hands with queen
There’s clearly only one woman for the job
Why does the UK have a prime minister when they have a monarch?
It just doesn't make sense. Stop trying to copy us, bongbros. And you lot call us unoriginal? Ahahahha
Its the kings/horns of the beast consorting with the whore (liberty) of Babylon.
In all seriousness, how far can Brits swim to get away from the grim reapers anointed?
You go sister
This handshake ended 70 year monarchy and 1,000,000 child blood infusions
That's one powerful death touch
She knows Truss is going to destroy the UK economy for Murdoch and the Hedge Funds.
She looks like a gook.
Her eyes are very reptile looking in this one.
Wrong planet.
Politically speaking, why isn't this the end of truss as a politician?
Like who would hire the woman who killed the queen?
It's 2022 and they still somehow managed to take a photograph that looks like it was taken in the '80s
Do you want her to fly over and shake Biden's hand??
Shut the fuck up faggot, you are literally gay, she’s so pretty
Don't worry, the jokes not for you.
now shake hands with biden
I didn't say she was ugly, faggot. I said she looks like a gook. Are you bongfags so cucked you're going to vote a mong into office? HAR HAR HAR
Then don't reply to me, fgt.
Checked and based pilled
Could be from IV's. Sometimes hard to find a vein in the arms.
Please :)
Literally Madame Tussaud’s wax museum. I can’t believe you retards believe it’s real. Only mental midgets believe this actually was the Queen. She’s living on an island with Prince Phillip, uploading her consciousness to the AI Borg.
She already had a shade of black on her hand when this picture was taken, Her death was not caused by the current PM. You americans boosting this theory consistently boost the evidence you are retarded 99% of the time.
I killed your dumb whore 6 months ago
I disrespect your faggot narrative