Why are women allowed to vote if they are stupid af?

Why are women allowed to vote if they are stupid af?

Attached: Rebeca-Linares_05.jpg (1080x1350, 78.81K)

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men are even stupider and let them

their votes count as 0.5 votes + 0.5 per child

Simps like you gave them the rights after you gave niggers the right.
I hate you.

It's ok. They will support gommunism and then we'll learn those lessons all over again.

It's not about sex.
No one should be allowed to vote who is a net negative tax payer.
Parasites are generally dumb and just vote for more free gibz.

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>we'll learn those lessons all over again.
Nah. It will be not real gommunism. We have to try it again.

Linares go back in time and do more bbc



Because straight men are mentally ill and let women do whatever they want hoping they will get sex or love in return, but they never get neither.

Str8 men should all be shot in the head.

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Oh cool so niggers get tons of votes and then their kids get more votes too. Based anyday now they'll find out who the real racists are.

why are men competing for women if women are dumb sluts

they're pretty and have big tits and asses and you can go inside them and spooge. sometimes they smell good and the way they move and sound can be very pleasant. and they have babies

lol, human beings man
just ignore how they start shit for no reason, complain when they're held responsible, and can't even decide what they want for dinner

I just want to have milk

because they're stupid af which suits the kike

get sex chud

Men are not competing for women, straight men are not real men.

Attached: YAY RIGHTS snow rights.webm (1280x720, 2.22M)

Why did this hit me in the feels?

>they're pretty and have big tits and asses and you can go inside them and spooge. sometimes they smell good and the way they move and sound can be very pleasant.
>and they have babies

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I think they should be allowed to vote on certain things but not other things.

Repeal 19

Nobody knows

My wife actually said women should lose the vote.
She is refusing to vote this term and going forward.
Qt3.14 also thinks you g women should be forced into chastity belts to avoid abortions.

Because it's been decided that democracy is more important than amending problems or preventing bad outcomes. Just like how celebrating degeneracy is more of a virtue than promoting good health and morality. It's a sick trend that hopefully passes.

the 19th amendment was a mistake

please elaborate

Women and men vote nearly identically. Talking about women voting is a distraction from non-Whites voting.

Stop raping drunken married women with dead fetuses inside of them in public parks in Madrid

All of the amendments were

>women don't have to pay taxes
>nothing about election results changes

When is democracy upheld? However I agree with this message.

Wrong, retard.


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As a virgin until 24, I really didn't think lesser about women.
Now, at 32, after a couple ltrs, I understand that women are truly lesser.
Intellectually and emotionally. Physically goes without saying

The gangbang where she gets filled air tight then gulps down 5 loads is pure kino.

It won't be that way for much longer. Men will be in charge again after the fall of human civilization and the dark times that follow.

The 2nd and 1st are fine.

>why are women allowed to vote if they don't have to sign up for the draft
Fixed that for ya
The supreme court ruled that the draft is constitutional as a trade for being able to vote, yet women are allowed to vote.
How can you have rights if you're not willing to fight for them?

BASED. Fuck dole-ites
