We memed Trump into office ... Now we will Meme King Charles III into /ourKing/
We have the tools.
We have the technology
We have the autism
We have the veterans of 2016
LET'S DO IT!!!!!!
We memed Trump into office ... Now we will Meme King Charles III into /ourKing/
We have the tools.
We have the technology
We have the autism
We have the veterans of 2016
LET'S DO IT!!!!!!
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I'm not sure about that.. I mean..
i'll never have a king
They've already got to him lad
Fuck it. Bump, /ourking/ rises.
Odds do not seem good my dude
Then you are not white.
All of our ancestors were led by Kings. It is the Aryan way.
only trips can save this thread
fuck off kike
the guy is pretty cool
Charles awakens
Let’s do it.
I would kill him with my hands if he came within my autonomy sphere. I'm the king now.
My ancestors BTFO'd a king and became Americans
Pretty sure most ancient Germans had chieftains, and Greeks had democracy
hes literally teamed with the WEF, whatever he has planned it isn't good.
King Charles is actually a traditionalist and has written essays on the topic. Him legitimately being based is unlikely but still more likely than most people I guess.
He has no real royal blood. Nicholas was the last of the royals these are inposters
shut the fuck up, you chink faggot.
Ah yes, the Freemason Founders.
The Nazis ruined capes
Chieftains were kings, and Greeks hated democracy.
there's no point to a modern king, especially one so old and out of touch as this guy. even if he could pull it off, he'd be advised on all sides by snakes and traitors
I don't know what a more effective government could be (what could possibly displace globohomo), but camilla's would-be tampon stepping into his mother's loafers ain't going to do the trick
don't let me stop you dreaming, though