Gen Y poisoned

Around 90% of early Gen Y looks old as shit in their 30s
Almost all balding and obviously in bad shape even the athletic types look and move like 50 yr olds
When we were young men didn’t go to shit like this until the 50-60s yr old range
Was Gen Y vaxxed with something? I think so

When else did a generation go from vibrancy to old farts physically over just 5-6 years from late 20s to mid 30s just look around

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its all the Skooma they have been drinking

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Enjoy being able to walk up stairs while your young because I bet it only gets worse for zoomers
Pic is like 4 years aging

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Read picrel

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>Around 90% of early Gen Y looks old as shit in their 30s
Jenkum is one hell of a drug.

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I threads don’t stay long enough to respond and read it all first but I will and I think it’s right
Gen x and boomers didn’t have Internet porn
Imagine how much less porn we would consume if you had to go buy it at a weirdo shop and park out front and be seen there
Porn use wasn’t even talked about back then it was shameful

lol wtf

Bullshit. There were always a lot of fat, doughy pattern baldness motherfuckers in their 20's and 30's in our youth unless you only looked at hollywood.

There have always been bill murrays and elon musks and others who aged more rapidly.

It mostly evens out by the time guys hit their mid 40's.

Bull shit
Your describing the bottom 5% of men It’s not the state of 90%
Old ass men today are even in similar health to their sons

you think we're better?
we had it even worse than they did, you can see how guys are ugly today compared to some random far-west bums in old pictures from the 1800's
dunno what they put in the food but it's working

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>what i share with you is knowledge that took a long time to find amongst books written by the magicians

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I started balding at 15 and am now borderline bald at 21, I am that dysgenic.

Well what ever we got you probably got the stronger version with the kinks worked out
Find me lots of bald men who can’t mow their grass in the 80s or 70s 60s

what i meant to say is men today look like ugly fags, ppl in the 1800's look way less ugly
and it's probably on purpose

Yes but they still looked that way 40-50 years ago
My grandpa was ripped

You should kill yourself, that is literally subhuman genetics

You are atleast 6'5", right?

zoomer early 20s
my hairline hasn't receded but ive lost 2/3rds of my hair. density is just totally gone
literally no idea why it keeps thinning. im too young for this shit.

I'm only 6'4."

Microplastics in everything.

My Father was bald, this is why I support eugenics.

I started balding during graduate school at 25. Started to take finasteride 0.5 mg EOD. I use 1ml of minoxidil at night like right before I sleep. Balding stopped and grew some back. Even got a girl pregnant while on it. Nobody is even bald in my family. I suspect it has something to do with diet/stress but nevertheless the meds work with no side effects.

chronic masturbation retard
women didnt dress like that 50 years ago and porn wasnt as available
today half of tv series is softporn and any kid from young aga can find the hardcore too
if you eat jewish fast food shit, dont exercise but masturbate couple time every day results are obvious
thats why jews promote feminism and produce porn

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This dude is a doppelganger of forsen, am I the only one that sees it?

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The balding isn’t even the big deal it’s the total loss of energy and vibrancy
You can buy hair

>literally Charls
he can't keep getting away with it

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There is no such thing as "Gen Y", you faggot. Call them Millennials.

Now you're on fucking big pharma bullshit pills... congrats! Once you stop, that progress goes really really fast. Just embrace the balding like a man. Either shave it off, or grow it long like a bad ass.

Did you see him get shit faced and act like a pissed off nigger to his fans
His health is spot on for our generation that’s why I used him
It’s sad to see the guy become a crazy drunk. Look at his vibrancy in WP days and look now

Just buy a bad ass fur hat, like a warrior.

No don’t think I will

What is the generation after gen z? What happens then???

But I have no side effects, seems to work great. Whats the down side? I want to keep my hair, looks great to me.

They call our kids Gen A
Almost like it was a planned thing huh

Generation Alpha


>Around 90% of early Gen Y looks old as shit in their 30s
take vaxx and boosters, go bald, many such cases, tru$t the $cience

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There’s always a downside with pills
Wigs are probably realistic now
I haven’t seen a bad hair piece in ages

You're a child pretending to be an older man. Your only insight to how people used to look is old movies and time pieces.
90% of the population at all times look like shit. Most of the world is dysgenic and asymmetrical.
It's no worse or no better than any other time, except that we have more fat people now because of the abundance of food

>mfw 36 with good genetics
hair grows faster than weeds

This has been going on long before covid
I started noticing our rapid decline around 2016-17


I’m 36 faggot
I’m not talking about ugly vs hot dudes
This isn’t a fag conversation