Why are they like this?

Why are they like this?

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you think we don't have schizophrenic people in canada?

For every one woman that commits a violent crime there are hundreds of men that do worse. Men commit literally all the crimes statistically

It's true. As a man I will tell you straight up that we are violent and dangerous in general. Now will you say this about blacks?

that woman isn't even white by amerimutt standards. She's clearly a goblina.

The Vaxxocolipps has begun.

Legit mental illness or meth tweakers

This and checked. She was probably doing a voodoo ritual, I'm sure her banyans are cured now.

>when John Podesta shows up on your Onlyfans

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lol u won't say it.. nigger

despite only making up 13% of the population, they make up 94% of violent crime.

Why do people think it's hard to say?

Christiansanity in full effect.
In civilized pre-christkike times, the entire village would execute this retard.

That's true, now let's talk about the racial part of those statistics

She's not white by any standard whatsoever

What the hell!!!
Why the dog?!?

Wypipo baka

This is bullshit.How on earth did she establish direct communication with Hillary Clinton?


Yes absolutely and definitely the muslims

That's a dumb argument because men do everything of relevance in society. Good and the bad.
What gender do you think pays taxes, builds and maintains society and meaningfully advances science?

why would anyone listen to the devil?

Binding of Isaac if he real

>devil was speaking to her.
Why is Killary Klinton calling her?

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This is why you don't put your dick in crazy. This sort of person has no business breeding

Dadanons, you come home and your wife has done this. What do?