I am convinced trans ideology will win

i am convinced trans ideology will win.

i started going live on tiktok in the beginning of summer 2022. I’d put up all the typical “trans women are women” type stuff in the background to attract transphobes, and everyday, for hours, i would debate. after a while i started working on a resource document to store all the studies and rhetoric i used and now it’s up to 20 pages. i have spent probably ~200 hours debating.

but since about a month ago, i haven’t really heard anything new. i’ve noticed every transphobic argument boils down to the same few premises, all of which my resource doc debunks. i still go live and people still join to spew their bullshit but since recently i haven’t been hearing anything new. i haven’t been met with an argument i haven’t already debunked.

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if this isn't a larp based, go live on youtube, i hear the discovery rate is pretty good for livestreams there
u can pull people in from the chat
be the next big debate lord

Based. Get gen alpha on the Troon Train.

howdy, i think transitioning is bad, would you like to debate?

I'm in favor of promoting trans ideology

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Why has BPD become this catch-all boogeyman mental health issue that seems like just a synonym for "histrionic"

Nobody reads your tl;dr and no study says men can become women

i will literally read the tl;dr and point out how the studies do not prove that a man can become a woman.

good luck bro

the only leeway you’d have on that subject is if you can somehow support the assertion that transitioning is not effective in improving mental health and general quality of life. (the overwhelming body of medical literature shows it is)

otherwise, there’s no reason a person shouldn’t be legally allowed to transition

Trannies are mostly gross and ugly and mess up mental health for non mentally ill

i wouldn't make the case that a person shouldnt be legally allowed to transition, just that its not good for society or for an individual, that they SHOULDN'T do that.

>20 pages
>of resources
>200 hours of debate
Mental illness. Proof transition does not make you happier. And it also makes you Ill

problem is they all argue in such bad faith until you get tired of it and they proclaim victory because you stopped responding. one hopes the audience sees what happened but people are such idiots.
anyway very based

Do you have resources to explain the horror show that is Susan's place

at least you’re honest

but this is what i’m talking about. transphobia doesn’t hold up because it’s just disgust pretending to be intellectualism. you can try your best to rationalize your transphobia but there’s no real justification for it. you just think it’s weird. and that’s why in the future when trans ideology is normalized, people like you will be relics of the past.

i do not have a disgust response, i have evaluated it on a logical basis and concluded that its not beneficial to an individual or to society based on the evidence.

so is it just the degeneracy argument?
that normalizing GNC and transitioning will overall damage society?

i do not have a problem with gender non conformity.

i specifically think that it is problematic to try and switch genders. i have no problem with men being feminine or women being masculine, or even in certain spaces cross dressing.

i literally had gender dysphoria growing up, went to a gender clinic, have a boyfriend, and dress up as a girl when we have sex/hang out.

>i specifically think that it is problematic to try and switch genders

srs and hrt physically gives you alements and problems through out your entire life.

as well, it helps to fasciliate a "life lie" (an adlerian psychology term), where people tell them selves they can't be happy unless they become the other gender, which is a lie. its an excuse to not try to be happy.

also, for most people, they won't pass, like 99% of people

and for the ones that do, that often doesn't matter, people usually don't want to fuck them and certainly don't want to date them

society has framed masculinity as "toil without thanks" and "being able to withstand suffering without complaining", this is a lie, this is not masculinity. this is hard work and toughness, both genders need this.

society has framed feminity as essentially being infantile and child like, this is a lie, both genders need to sometimes be child like.

As a result, people who are afraid to grow up are transitioning to women, and people who wish they were tougher are transitioning to men.

this has disastrous consequences for society.

instead, what is actually feminine, is to be nurturing, to be nourishing, to take care of people

and what is masculine, is to encourage, to give courage, to give people streangth, to cheer them on, to teach people they can accomplish their goals.

this is something i have extrapolated from something jordon peterson said, "it is motherly to be nurturing and it is fatherly to be encouraging"

and to be female is (and exceptions do not disprove the rule), to have xx chromosomes.

and to be male is (and exceptions do not disprove the rule), is to have xy chromesomes

everything else is a fiction.

SRS causes problems like rotting flesh, bacterial infection, urinary problems, anorgasmia, and many more

HRT can cause brain fog, executive dysfunction, electrolyte imbalance, and depression.

as for the studies that show they have efficacy, they have problems in their methodology.

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“switching genders” (and gnc) only poses a threat to oppositional sexism, which i don’t see as necessary for society.

we can recognize that male and female are not mutually exclusive without damaging to society. so long as we do that, trans people should transition

>and mess up mental health for non mentally ill
what did he mean by this

reddit spacing. go back