New and improved version

New and improved version.

>And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

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you know trannies arent women because only autistic males would make charts like this

Would be good if you didn't include the hsts stuff, that just doesn't happen.

Wait this is actually really good.


It used to "happen" because back in the day those were the official requirements for transitioning. People who had decent jobs were forced to quit them and switch to low skill female dominated jobs. Hsts had to be sexist stereotypes not because they were like that by default, but because that's what doctors wanted and needed them to be.

That's like making a distinction between endo and diy mtfs, it's just superficial

Attached: agprebrands.png (1647x1736, 366.26K)


publishing output at record levels at the university of trans

That's true agp

>under 25: NCTS
>over 25: AGP
smells like lookism

The only difference between the two is age

If the semantic content is indeed the same behind each term then this should be easily recognizable and of no issue, just point it out

>Night City Transsexual

hell yeah brother

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>late transitioner
I started at 25, and you're saying 18 was already late?

You can tell an agp wrote this not only because they go "hsts pass... but also agp pass too :)" but the
>perfect example
is someone who trooned out young


Attached: tughy.png (2926x1200, 1.87M)

More like the latter is turned on by the idea of being a woman but in a self-aware and well composed way, whereas the former's motivation is by contrast more fundamentally rooted in dysphoria

The dysphoria is rooted in fetishism. That's the definition and anatomy of the word.

>Wendy Carlos isn't trans

no, go actually read Blanchard. AGP is a sexual orientation, not a fetish

That's like saying Coprophilia isn't a fetish

I'm detecting some autism to the tune of a steel wire-taut rationalization of what does and doesn't count as "gay" crashing against the idea of gender as a more fluid trait

you obviously haven't read Blanchard and therefore your opinion on this is utterly worthless. Go read or GTFO

Just because your fetish is ego-syntonic doesn't make it any less of a fetish

>The dysphoria is rooted in fetishism
This is both unprovable and unfalsifiable, but I don't think so