TERF complains about hontoddler

Why are they like this?

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Cranial annelids

I think she's complaining that grown men fetishize little girl outfits and often dress like little girls

as a parent you're literally the one picking out clothes for your kid can't she just go out and buy her new clothes

she bought her daughter tranny clothes specifically so she could complain about trannies on ovarit

To be so fixated on this that you look at your actual 8 year old daughter and start seething uncontrollably I believe would be called "obsessed"

transphobia literally rots your brain, it's worse than mad cow disease

>transphobia literally rots your brain, it's worse than mad cow disease
i've seen this play out so many times. it's incredible

>You're trying to be a little girl unless you adopt a drab neoliberal girlboss aesthetic

almost like trans women often still have to go through those awkward cringey stages because they never got a childhood

Good post is good post.

>almost like trans women often still have to go through those awkward cringey stages because they never got a childhood
I didn’t have a boyhood, I wish I had been able to experience male platonic camaraderie and mutual respect without worrying if my friends were giving lip service just because they wanted to fuck me, I never learned how to shave my face or tie a tie.
But like too bad so sad? It doesn’t give you an excuse to act and dress like moody teens.

Ftms do it often, have you never seen an ftm dood act like an edgy teen? They all grow out of it soon enough.

why is this seen as a legitimate excuse? if a grown adult acts like a child we don't say "they had a bad childhood" and let them be, they should grow the fuck up and deal with it.

There are whole communities around that concept. Its common in furry communities too

God, please let me have an edgy emo bf who needs me to shave them in the bath like one of my lewd yaois.

transphobia isn't real
either men are a violent danger to women or they aren't
pick a fucking side

It’s weird to watch honestly.
There were homophobes in the 90s, but there wasn’t Homo Derangement Syndrome like this.
This is madness.

>but there wasn’t Homo Derangement Syndrome like this.
because gay rights were easily suppressed you retard
there were campaigns to get gay teachers banned in California, Anita Bryant got a Miami gay discrimination ban repealed, this isn't new at all and it has often been directed against gays
terfs are pro gay

>but there wasn’t Homo Derangement Syndrome like this.
when natural disasters hit, pastors blamed gay marriage or gay people in general.. I wish I was joking

Gay people do control the weather though. Probably was their fault.

There’s still homo derangement syndrome lol

>terfs are pro gay
I wouldn't say exactly pro-gay, more like they use gay people as shield for some of their beliefs. they wanna ban trans kids from transitioning so they can "stop the transing of gnc, gay and lesbian kids" but will turn around and say they feel uncomfortable around a flamboyant gnc gay guy wearing dresses becuz they could possibly be "agp". They hate drag queens. they want to ban trans people from using their preferred bathroom although cis lesbians and butch women in general have been prevented from using the restroom based on how they look.

lol everyone is cringe af when they do something new, you're watching them do it in real time and can't see the ones that grow out of it (or at least do it privately)

the goal of trans people is to turn gay kids into straight people of the opposite sex by sterilization
terfs are against this
how are terfs not pro-gay?

a main motivator of this backlash against LGBT teachers, lgbt topics and LGBT children books is driven by homo derangement syndrome which of course has branched of into tranny derangement syndrome. It's just rehashed.

I don't have to tolerate or like furries, nobody else does either

Racism isn't real
Either blacks are totally innocent people
Or they are highly predisposed to criminality
Pick a side

> Accepts Bi or Les MtF
> Accepts Bi or Gay Ftm
> Wants to turn gay people straight

I hate niggers and trannies. And I love terfs. Why is that wrong?

we actually let them be
cosplayers are often that for example
theres no fucking issue on healthily being childish, you dont need to grow up on everything
adulthood is about taking on responsibilities. you can do your childish things as long as you act responsibly.