Late Blooming

Hello i am 43 and will be starting my journey to becoming the woman i was always meant to be. I have ordered pueraria mirifica and would like to know what my starting dose should be and how do i hide my transition from the wife and kiddos untill im ready to come out? Thanks in advance!

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If you were always meant to be a woman you would have figured it out before you were 43 with a wife and kids. Just repress and jack off to sissy porn while your wife is out of the house. Don't destroy your family's lives for a fetish you dumb nigger.

You are not trans. You’re an AGP faggot, stop watching your sissy porn and act normal.

this what happens when you rep, folx

Why did you take this picture at 8:51 PM on the last day of Ramadan

this isnt real right

take care of your fucking kids and don't disappoint your wife

SissyGary and you should become besties.

were you born too late?

Please let this be bait


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Low tier bait

So here is what im starting with, i guess im lucky to be naturally femme so it will help, but what else can i work on?
This is not a fetish for me i am transgender, idk what agp is. I do watch sissy porn and it has helped me greatly to realize i am a woman. I am a great father and husband and will be a great wife and mother ^^
I dont know who that is.

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Not sure if you can do it with just pueraria mirifica. Does anyone have facts?

>I am a great father and husband and will be a great wife and mother ^^
my man, your house looks like a crack den. if you want to be a sissy maid start by cleaning your fucking room

If that was my body, I would start with 30% weight loss.

lol well at least your toilet seat is down

Want to plow that ass and make you feel like a real girl

You should kill yourself.

I feel bad for you so i'm going to help. fucking herbs won't work so don't bother. If you're serious about this you need to address it with the people around you. If you can't do that on your own go find a therapist. That might be good anyway. Then you need a doctor to get real estrogen. DIY is a thing to but don't do that just because you're scared of addressing it with anyone in person. You have to get over that to transition.

Well i work 6 days a week, ill make wifey do it.
Do you have any tips?
:O maybe we can arrange something ;)
While i am suicidal from time to time, i have a duty to take care of my family!

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you are not naturally femme

if you wanted this you shouldve twinkmoded in your late teens and transitioned before 21, and shouldve never married and taken on the gargantuan responsibility of raising kids. you are going to fuck up your wife and kids with a surprise reveal like this, especially if theyre in adolescence. i pray your kids arent trans for the sole fact that if they are you doing this may genuinely put them off the idea of transitioning forever.
or maybe they get on it faster so they dont end up in your situation

stop watching sissy porn, stop imagining yourself as an uwu anime maid girl. i want to be a trans liberationist but you make us MTFs look bad

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You have the body of a slightly slimmer Hank Hill lmfao

>all the trannies in this thread falling for the obvious and hilarious bait

How dumb are you peepo?

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quiet, jack-omoder

stop being mean 2 Gary ;(

bad baitthread
idk what the point of this thread is, because op clearly isn't getting the genuine encouragement he seeked, so he could dunk on his imaginary tranny strawman in his head

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Obvious bait post, but does anyone know what happened to the real SissyGary? Haven’t seen him on here recently