How do I cope with missing out on being gay while I was young? Now at 24 I'm old and busted

How do I cope with missing out on being gay while I was young? Now at 24 I'm old and busted

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17β estradiol to fill the void and make you feel like youre undoing the damage

Let me guess: you're a bottom, right?
Being gay while in school is an overrated meme. I would tell you to just find some nice guy to be your bf, but I'm sure you'll just whore yourself out on grindr because that's what "gay culture" demands of you.

bruh I'm 30 and get hit on by 19 year olds you are only busted if you want yourself to be now go get a bf

I don't want to take estrogen, I'm happy being a guy

Thanks but I feel too far gone

>I don't want to take estrogen
>but I feel too far gone
Yeah, I'll see you on grindr.

I don't get it, I'm not even gay, I'm bi

you zoomers are so silly


silly silly

I wish I could say I could kill you with my bare hands but I can't

don’t be so upset fren everything will be okay

As a 35 year old what the fuck even is this thread. At 24 you're not that far past your "youth" (since it's, you know, still going on). I still looked the same as I did at 18 and 19.

Attached: 3bda8f699fad99162580f941eb9653d242cd4957b185b8f4ec8bbf32daf72bc9.png (1280x720, 922.42K)

I do too, maybe even younger but I'd be lying to people by presenting myself young

I don't know how we are to cope, user, I don't know. We can only warn our youngers not to make the same mistake.

Attached: 24yofemboy.png (1682x982, 212.07K)

>How do I cope with missing out on being gay while I was young?
By voting right wing and taking away their opportunity to experience teen love.
Ideally there'd be a party that'd leave the straight kids also miserably repressed, but I haven't found any.

same but 25

Attached: 1576262508838.gif (972x1000, 1.09M)

>I still looked the same as I did at 18 and 19
No you don't.

>tfw got the evil eye from a booze store clerk when I was waiting while my friends went inside to get drinks
In hindsight I'm sad she didn't call the cops

You don't have to present yourself as younger than you are, unless you want to be with an 18 year old maybe. Just present yourself as a 24 year old and people will think of you as young are?

Sigh. Did you not see the past tense? The preceding sentence should have given the obvious context clues as well that I meant my 24 year old self looked the same as my 18/19 year old self. Why are people on this godforsaken website so fucking dumb?

Fine then, no you didn't.

Uh... yes I did? What the fuck is wrong with you people? Are Zoomers so fucking braindead that they think god damn 24 year olds are washed-up and past their prime? Holy shit, what a horrible toxic mindset.

i am pretty sure they are desu
tenfold if u r a bottom
how do u stay cute if u age?
u can't

>I meant my 24 year old self looked the same as my 18/19 year old self

>24 year olds are washed-up and past their prime?

You are right, don't mind the trannies with brainworms they will die soon anyway.

>Are Zoomers so fucking braindead that they think god damn 24 year olds are washed-up and past their prime?
this board is mostly 16 to 19-year-olds who think they are too old or will be too old in less than 5 years