So can someone tell me what's going on with picrel...

so can someone tell me what's going on with picrel? i've known of #LGBdroptheT for years but it was basically unheard of if you didn't hang out in very niche online lgbt/radfem spaces. now even normies are talking about it, what gives?

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It is a literal, fully unironic, non meme psyop/astroturfed (astroTERFed) campaign by the right wing
Heritage foundation is tight with them and shit, all the usual suspects

it’s totally astroturfed and something like 90% of their membership is cishet (think they also opposed gay marriage). it’s just a right wing psyop

Not sure but since this is a Twitter thread I'll derail a bit, just keep reporting people you disagree with and it'll eventually work HAHAAA fuck you shaun!

Attached: shaun.png (585x641, 28.61K)

>(think they also opposed gay marriage)
they are, also they are weird about bisexuals and promote "political lesbians"

Attached: 1661469138917986.jpg (720x395, 89.9K)

wtf shaun is based though??

so what do i do if im gay and legitimately hate trannies? is there any other organization?

astroturfed campaign by org that 95% straight people. they might lose their charity status soon since they have no tangible proof that they do anything lol

another wedge to drive the minorities apart with. even 4chinz is being astroturfed with it (which i suspect you fully understand, op)

He is a faggot lefty so no

i thought he was straight

Every lefty is a faggot

Heritage Foundation astroturf. How do you think the likes of Pedobeard Walsh pay their bills?

Have you considered keeling over from AIDS?

>tranny parasites screeching like exorcised demons whenever they're faced with the prospect of not being able to ride on coattails of LGB acceptance anymore
You love to see it folx

have you considered 43% after becoming a grotesque creature that everyone stares at when going outside? i bet you did, it's only a matter of time

Based, I don't care if it's a conservative psyop, trannies ruined this board so they deserve it.

>sex is binary
retard alert

"Normies are talking about it", that seems to be the magic phrase to make something seem legitimate. Normies are generally stupid, so why does it matter if something unexpected passed their field of vision?

iirc specifically 7% of their membership IDed as LGB when polled

I wouldn't count on it, Mermaids are jobbing it and let's not forget the example set by the Bell case where the court heard evidence from TransgenderTrend and 4thWaveNow but refused evidence from Stonewall and didn't hear from one trans person who had received treatment from Tavistock + the pro-Tavi doctors didn't submit existing studies proving the positive outcomes from puberty blockers because they secretly didn't like prescribing for such a controversial issue and were only too happy to get a pretext to have to stop prescribing blockers

:( Aw fuck. Trans people in the UK are screwed, especially the young ones