Its pretty clear at this point that transness is a trauma response...

Its pretty clear at this point that transness is a trauma response, an attempt to restore some autonomy over your body and your self that was previously lost.
So... what happened to you? Get beaten? Molested/raped? Parents get divorced? Dead parent(s)? Bullied into oblivion? Abusive relationship? S o c i e t y ?
If you're thinking "why would I tell you that?", remember, Any Forums is an anonymous website.

Attached: Bloodygir2.jpg (340x256, 20.49K)

>get beaten
>bullied into oblivion
>s o c i e t y
All of those, unironically.

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>parents divorced
none of these, unironically.
for some reason my brain just goes doki doki when i take estrogen and fantasize about men pounding me

>Any Forums is an anonymous website.
No. The mods are watching.

I was traumatized by seeing a pic of girls kissing when I was 7 and wanted to be a girl ever since

nothing i was just a weird gay kid who developed severe mental illness right at the start of puberty. would seem to indicate the trauma is being trans

hmm nope not really. I had a normal, even privileged childhood with married parents who loved and supported me. nothing traumatic happened until adulthood and I had already had gender dysphoria long before then. I'm pretty sure dysphoria as a response to developmental events has been debunked by now

>Its pretty clear at this point that transness is a trauma response, an attempt to restore some autonomy over your body and your self that was previously lost.
>So... what happened to you?
pornography and violence on the internet has the same effect on kids as abuse studies have been done most people here probably saw gore threads and porn when they were 8 causing dissociation causing dysphoria

[citation needed]

>So... what happened to you? Get beaten? Molested/raped? Parents get divorced? Dead parent(s)? Bullied into oblivion? Abusive relationship? S o c i e t y ?
maybe society. i was like, beaten and potentially emotionally abused as a kid, but so were my brothers and they only turned out a normal level of fucked up (extremely online, substance abuse).

but at worst i should have turned out anorexic or bpd, wanting to change my gender is pretty out of left field for whatever i may have experienced

Does getting kicked out of mainstream education because of tism and placed into a special education school of delinquents and retards count?

Until last night I would've said none of the above but I was thinking a lot about my middle school "friend" who had a reputation for "ironically" touching people and I realized that there was a worrying hole in my memory involving the boy's bathroom.

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Idk, I have a weird experience with this. I didn't have any early childhood trauma, and I figured out that I was trans at 14. But then literally right after realizing it, I experienced quite a bit of prolonged trauma from multiple sources that really fucked me up, and only started getting better 3 and a half years later when i started hormones. So I came to being trans innocently with no trauma and nothing wrong with me other than a bit of loneliness, autism and depression, but I would be lying if I said reclaiming my sense of self and separating myself from my trauma wasn't an important part of the way I internally think about my transition

possibly. i think tism is the constant variable here, like with the brothers ended up normal fucked up, chances are theyre lacking tism
fuck, dude. i have a memory of being a taking a bath as a little kid, and my dad coming in the bathroom to use the toilet... then no memory of him ever leaving the bathroom or me getting out of the tub later. my dad also constantly made me sit on his lap and would tickle me all the time. haha probably nothing yea?

me too

no ive not really had anything like that. my parents were a bit argumentative in my youth but nothing out of the ordinary or anything, i was not abused. just a case of "why am i sad all the time" to trans pipeline-itis.

idk... I feel like I I'm mentally fucked that I should have at least one of those but legit nothing, didn't stop me from becoming a manmoder tho

wanted to be cool and special and had no friends but trans people were my friends when i pretend to be an egg but the only way they would actually accept me was going on estrogen

the most tramatic thing that ever happened to me was the day my balls dropped

My dick will never be cute and feminine ;_;

There's been like 5 tourist threads just today insisting we must have all been raped as kids

treating a trauma response with the most treacly groomy fake concern ever is a pretty bold move


Can't recall anything specific like molestation, but my parents were extremely overprotective and simultaneously regarded anything I cared about or accomplished with cynicism. It was always a raised eyebrow and a sarcastic "really?" Like nothing I did was what they wanted from me. So I started keeping everything to myself good or bad because there was no benefit to telling them. And then that extended to other people too. Friends and acquaintances. Then I realized in my 20s I basically had no personality because I never allowed myself to share things with anyone. Maybe being a huge fucking faggot is like a substitute for that. Or people just treat girls better.

imagining a therapoid guy who's all stern and pious, "you need help"
you go ahead and take him up on it and he hands you two huge bottles of moda and addy
>"but how will this treat my dysphoria"