Will I ever actually pass, or am I just using hair and makeup as a cope? Without hair blocking it...

Will I ever actually pass, or am I just using hair and makeup as a cope? Without hair blocking it, my jaw looks so fucking manly it's absurd

Attached: 20220202_004052.jpg (1318x2150, 535K)

Take ur hair out of that ugly ass purple thing and wash that disgusting shirt. Go to sleep and take care of yourself I see those dark circles.

It's over for you 100%

It's just water on the shirt and it and the purple thing are both there bc I just washed my face lol. The white spots are just mirror spots. Ur right though, I haven't been sleeping well lately


you should be called Hate-chan amirite!

You'll pass eventually, I think. How far along are you with hrt?

You look like someone I used to work with at a pizza place and long suspected was a boymoder, does your name by chance start with an m? I'm tran too so I won't dox you I stg just curious


>dark circles
Literally genetics

Nope, neither deadname nor current name, and I've never worked in a pizza place sorry user lol
16 months monotherapy though i was inconsistent for the first few, progesterone for 4 months

No actually they're right, I had two hours of sleep in the past 30 hours before that picture, it wasn't great

The sheer amount if hugboxing in these threads.. holy shit
Just because you're a coping hon from reddit doesn't mean you have to project your cope onto other hons. When it's over, it's over and you can really tell OP will never be a woman, quite your bullshit and false positivity cope, you only thing you're positive at is having aids from getting raped by a faggot
God I fucking hate redditors

Damn :(
You look so similar it's crazy, I was hoping I might have a boymoder fren in my area
Anyway I think you look pretty good, potentially clocky from this one photo but voice, presentation, and mannerisms could easily push you the other way
ffs would easily seal the deal

no pass

maybe after ffs

Idk, considering your general reputation and how tryhard this feels, you actually aren't triggering my bdd lol. Like, I was already feeling dysphoric, but this doesn't make it hurt more

This is pathetic, really
At least try to have some subtlety, make it more convincing
Maybe you should go back to your hole and try again honey

Your face isn't bad and your body looks pretty good from the pic. I think you could already possibly pass if your voice and hair was okay, but it's genuinely hard to tell as another tranny ngl. Brainworms are a bitch.

Thanks for the advice, I'll make sure next time that there is nothing else in your head but the thought of your lifeless body swinging around that rope in your closet, ACK

Yeah, it's so hard to separate my self image from years of dysphoria :/

when is the last time you touched grass?

When I was a kid I tried to eat grass and various kind of plants
I never really ate grass tho.. I don't like how it's close to the earth and probably full of dirt, plants are fine

You are one of the Trips from a few years ago that I genuinely liked but now you're Just so mean and seem really bitter. What happened?

Nope not until you bleed like a little pussy each month. Save the dicks for you dickless, just like wear pink to save the tittys

I hate how happy this board seems to be, I miss all the suicide threats and skull and bone size threads, I miss how you could say whatever you want to without people acting shocked. Im just trying to turn this place into a bitter hell hole so I can feel comfortable in misery again

As of me being mean.. I guess I was always like this? Idk
Maybe I'm just really bitter because my "" "transition""" is a fucking joke and I don't even look close to a woman or anything feminine in the slightest, I'm a even uglier twink than before, I literally have the face of a discord mod or someone's weird creepy rapey uncle

Idk I'm just ranting at this point
Life is Pain and I wanna end it but I'm too much of a pussy to do so
I wish someone would murder me one day