Transwoman with boyfriend

>transwoman with boyfriend
>stealth to everyone but him
>end up outing myself to offer support to a boymoder in my class since our college doesn't have many trans people
>she outs me to everyone (not out of malice but I'm still unhappy with her)
>bf doesn't want to break up but wants to keep our relationship secret so no one knows he's dating a troon
>sad but say OK
>he's getting mad because of all the male attention I've been getting since people think I'm single
>tells me I'm too friendly
>says I shouldn't wear tight/revealing shit and getting guys riled

Most of these guys I've been no more friendly than just saying hello to them. Its also February and I chill easily so I've been wearing a big loose coat most of the time.

I feel like he's not treating me well at this point, but I'm still emotionally invested in him and what we had/have so it'd really hurt to just break things off. Does this situation sound salvageable if I try to talk it out with him?

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wtf if he won't tell people he's dating someone who's trans then he doesn't deserve shit

he's treating you like garbage. drop him wtf..

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I'd say voice this to him and tell him you don't want to walk the tightrope. If he reacts in a bad way think about breaking it off I guess.

Drop him. He's clearly a chaser and this is going to fuck you up in the long run. He's not worth it.

It doesn't make him automatically a chaser you idiot.

You should drop him. Your bf isn't necessarily a chaser but he is someone who isn't brave enough to face transphobia and is controlling.

The guys giving you attention only see you as a novelty and not a real woman. Remember your bf had you knowing what's wrong with you. You owe him more loyalty than this.

>Remember your bf had you knowing what's wrong with you
There's nothing wrong with OP, you brainwormed retard. You sound like the people telling cis women to stay with abusive alcoholic husbands because they're good fathers or some shit. OP's boyfriend is a retard scared of people knowing he's cumming in a tranny.

OP should be scared of being a tranny with no one to cum in her. Once she's no longer a new or novel thing to these guys paying her attention they'll drop her like trash. She'll look to the bf she should have been loyal to and see he's fucking someone else now, a cis woman.

She’s a person not a cumdump you fucktard

My biggest fear
I really hope I can find a guy who is willing to settle for a tranny and won't cheat too much
I mean it's kinda inevitable because y'know I'm a tranny but if I can find a guy who won't cheat very often I'd be set

I know you're just self harming but you shouldn't be with someone who cheats period and yes absolutely guys exist who would monogamously date and marry a tranner.

Open communication, let him know how you feel and how you want to proceed. Don't be impulsive and end things, but also don't feel that you arent worth respect.

literally isn't the point of being trans to PASS as a female? Can't you see how in the same sense a trans woman might not want to be known everywhere as TRANS a man dating her wouldn't want to know this also since his identity is now bound up with hers?

Get your heads out of your asses. He clearly isn't dumping her even though OP being trans is common knowledge now, what more do you want?

Hard as it is, you should break up with him. Are you his girlfriend or his secret? Have some self respect

dump him sis

This! Also, not every person (male, female, cis, or trans) wants kids. So the whole kids thing is not going to be a problem for every relationship unless you have a mormon fetish or something.

I feel bad for OP

>He clearly isn't dumping her even though OP being trans is common knowledge now, what more do you want?
Because no one knows they are dating. What do you think he will do when they do know? You can't keep the relationship a secret forever.

I don't, anyone who is breath-takingly attractive enough to be in a relationship in college is probably infinitely better off than 99% of people. Most of us look like abominations until our mid 20s.

tell him to man up and actually date you publicly or to keep coping while u flirt with chads in front of him

Honestly this seems toxic and jealousy. He can't prohibit you from wearing tight/revealing outfits, this is your body and you decide what you want to wear, only you. This is kinda creepy and "owner"-y, if being honest.
Plus, he doesn't want people to know that he's in relationships with a trans girl is a a bit of a red flag too.
It's all your choice, do as you wish, but don't get into toxic/abusive relationships, that's all I can recommend to you.

Yes! Him not wanting to date her publicly is a huge red flag.