How can i date men if im taller than 86% of men?


Attached: 27a7e329473c5fb02b023d78c7f573d9.png (577x687, 722.87K)

pick them up?

date these 14% remaining

be a top

the lanklet to transbian rapehon pipeline is real

How can you expect men to ignore the gender norm of women being female if you can't even get over the gender norm of men being taller than women?

Yooo /6fttrannygen/ let's make it a thing. I like that okcupid has a category for height on your profile, so you can let people know as a warning without making it awkward by mentioning it in your bio

im a sub bottom
ew never
i support it

It's very obvious what that user is saying. They're okay with you being trans but you have an issue with them being short.
It's a rather ridiculous mentality to have.

because gender norms arent preferences its pretty obvious


no not really

Do tall hons date short ugly boymoders?

i only like men


You're either fine with the guy being shorter or you get one of the 14%, it's not rocket science.

date the remaining 14% tall guys or stay single.
feels good being shorter than 99% of guys

Attached: 30e11d40c683f24bf85dc3c3f07d4112.jpg (848x1200, 671.31K)

fuck off

Why not just date a shorter guy?

there agp user.

Attached: boomer_boymoder.png (512x512, 248.74K)

cope and seethe height hon