/gaygen/ gay general


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hello girls beard is still going bad

that's sepsis

Dash In And Run Right Home Or Else Accident

>transmen are women
99% of you couldn't get a guy half as hot as him

Attached: benjaminmelzer.jpg (500x750, 317.95K)

trannies are garbage people

Listening to Hatsune Miku

>schizo ftm invading gaygen

who are you quoting unironically

what songs do you like

Trannies act like this and then wonder why everyone on the internet hates them

>No dick
literally what's the point

You predators will fuck a 15 year old gladly but then sneer at transmen who are 10x more attractive than any of you could hope to be

Attached: femtransman.jpg (640x642, 73.31K)

i wouldn't know about that kind of thing i've never had sex

shut the fuck up you virtue signalling faggot

>transmen who are 10x more attracti-
No dick no care

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Anyone can get a transperson if they pay even the slightest attention to them. Trannies are the most fragile people ever.
I could walk up to a tranny, that I've never met, say "I love you", and they'd tweet all day that they found the one.
I think I'm gonna do that. I'm just gonna walk up to a tranny and say I love you. Fucking retard will be all over me.

I'm about to get buttfucked by snow metaphorically

but no one asked you anything

i think there are attractive trans men but ive never understood this specific guy being shilled.

i also have zero attraction to this guy.

loadingoliver is cute even if his nipples are in the wrong spot

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I hope you can take 20" big boy. That big white snow dick is comin!

make a snowman

>stra*ght male

who fucking cares. go away

If I can't learn to draw realistic men I'll lean into a comic style

What's an emotion I should draw

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Those two points don't have anything to do with each other. And I'm the last one who will do predatory shit

Horror's unsee gave me nausea.

Please draw stank face.

>And I[...] will do predatory shit

There are a lot. Right now I'm listening to Re:package, my favourite song on the album is Light Song.


who upset the tranny?

Projection so large you can call it IMAX
Bruh faggots jump on headless torso dick off a simple "hello" and you want to talk about trans people being desperate for attention?
Get real, faggots have almost as much abandonment issues as they have STDs
yeah sure faggots will shit on actual masculine men because they don't have a penis but you fags will stick your dick in a teenager no problem
There's a reason Gs are the most hated letter in the alphabet

the tranny

two bitter anons

FUCK i posted in the old thread again, curse youuu bich ass

Projection the great fall back
I didn't read the rest. I don't care about your opinion.