Female brained bottom Jordan Peterson coping

Oh no no no hahahahahahah

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fucking called it

Chudbros...how will we ever recover?


can i get a summary i have adhd sorry

"man" who needs to write 2 250pg books about how to be a man describes himself as a "feminine" man, then goes on to rant about the transtrend in youth

>I can have a feminine personality, but you can't change genders! The kids that think they can are just confused you need to live as your AGAB no matter what!
Basically him being pissed at youngshits that have a chance of passing

He called himself female brained and talked about his son dressing up as a cute fairy in a dress.

This board continuously going to bat for youngshits never ceases to amaze me. You really think they'll go to bat for you? They'll throw you under the bus the moment they think it'll give them a better chance of assimilating into polite society.

t. cis dude who has seen it happen

I'm 18 you dumb twat
I feel bad for late transitioners, but I don't hate them for it. As time goes on it'll be more normal for people to transition younger and there will be less hons as a result, so just be nice and stuck up for the ones that are still here while they are.

*and stick up for
Fuck me

Jordan giving off Hontra vibes, kek.

I am the shadow, the true self.

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Peterson thinks we're just playing pretend as if we didn't have childhoods, what an in denial coping woman she is.

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There's a lot more interesting stuff in here but you latch onto the first 10 seconds? Why

AGP is inheritable after all

His part about creativity absolutely BTFOs pooners.

95% of you are just unbearably confused
You're really just feminine men because of your negative emotion and agreeableness, the same as Peterson himself

what a gimmick

I swear a few years ago jordan peterson was semi-okay with trans people, he talked with theryn meyer for example

...don't rep kiddos.

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He's a grifter, he will just cling to any buzzword that sells his shitty self-help books dressed as philosophy. Troons were his original brand he left for wider anti-feminism, but now transphobia is big again, so he's trying to pull "remember when i spoke about that" shit.
It's really just a snakeoil seller's show.

I genuinely think on some level he believes his own bullshit but is also subconsciously driven by the grift

It was so obvious she's a bottom, but the chuds can't see what we see.

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The fact he stopped towing the line in regards to his religious beliefs and finally just said he actually believes in god (even sharing stage with William Craig) to me solidifies he believes his own bullshit.

So be it. I'll take the L when it comes, nobody should ever have to repress into their late 20s ever again