How come feminism has such a bad reputation here?

How come feminism has such a bad reputation here?

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Feminism has among other things the goal that some people are happy for some amount of time that is greater than 1 second. That goes against everything many people here believe in.

because feminism is a female supremacy movement that hates men
you can't be at all honest as a male to female tranny and not understand that feminism is your enemy

Its not, there was a pol that showed the vast majority of mtfs here support feminism, they just lurk and ignore bait threads

Because men should always win, that's why mtf's athleates can compete in women's sports

I'm a gay guy (in other words, I love men) who transitioned to female so I can have female privilege.
From what I've been told, that's incompatible with modern-day feminism on multiple levels. Feminists tend to seethe so hard when I try to explain it to them.
>You should've just stayed a guy and be gender non-conforming, all you're doing is feeding toxic stereotypes that make women feel like they're supposed to be barbies.
>What, is being attractive to men all that being female means to you? Disgusting.
>You understand nothing about the hardships women go through.
Okay whatever dude/girl, I'm just gonna wear a sexy bunnysuit for my husband or something, I'm sure he'll compliment me lots and make me feel good.

That doesn't really disprove the OP claim though?

I believe feminism is good.
There's of course a loud bad element to it, but I believe the fight for equal rights is overall a worthwhile one.

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They all understand it perfectly, else they'd transition to male. They just don't like men explaining how their cartel works or identifying into it.

has a bad track record for trans women
also even supposedly trans-inclusive feminism really just sees trans women as men

Because Any Forums is full of lots of gamer gate esque losers who never understood what feminism actually means.

Feminism is for gender equality this much is obvious. How on earth could women be equal to men if men weren't also equal to women?

>Feminism is for gender equality this much is obvious.
lmao imagine believing this
feminists would absolutely hate being treated like men, what they mean is they want what men have and they also want to have their own stuff.

Most women see feminism as anything which is in the favor of cis females. So feminism as practiced by the majority of women is hostile to my interests.

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ppl are stupid and Any Forums trolls muddy the water so you cant tell what’s real and what isn’t. feminism is good. revolutionary trans-inclusive feminism is even better.


Most people support the textbook definition of feminism but the actual feminist movement itself has mutated and shifted in a shitty direction, also TERFs existed on top of that.

TERFs, shit tons of them. They often come here in packs and became a representation of femenism for locals.

Nuance and subtlety is lost on the majority of people. Not only on Any Forums but the world of large. They view critical thinking as a personal attack due to pre programmed conditioning by media and inherent social economic factors.

Academic feminism is the study of the history and current impact of endemic societal oppression and how to successfully bring about radical change towards the empowerment of women. I don't think it has a bad reputation per say; I do think that groupthink and cancel culture is often mistaken for actual feminism though.


Probably because terfs have successfully appropriated the term, so whatever values would previously have passed for "feminist" now have to be rebranded to avoid being poisoned by association

>Academic feminism is the study of the history and current impact of endemic societal oppression
what about the oppression of men by women which has gone on as long as history?
men live for shorter and are more likely to be murdered or in jail and are treated as disposable and nobody even sees it as a problem.

They are seething because you also threw all trannies under the bus by acting like gender dysphoria doesnt exist lol
Did I wake up in an alternate universe where gender identity and gender dysphoria dont exist as concepts

Pretty much this. In a bubble, isolated from the movement itself, feminism is great. We don't live in a bubble though, the people who claim to be feminists are loud, obnoxious, and often horrible people.

academic feminism typically comes across as out of touch to me, and it always feels like academics are taking at trans people, never with us

>people playing on easy mode want even more free shit and protection

>gender identity and gender dysphoria dont exist as concepts
they're intellectually garbage and don't exist, yes

Feminism has a long history of exclusionary groups and white supremacy too. You know how mad the suffragettes where that black men got to vote before women did?

The real heros of feminism are the black women. Intersectional feminist theory is the real deal and is a solid academic base for trying to find a path forward for unfucking this world.

Feminism is becoming more anti-trans by the day and this board is full of trans people, it doesn't take a rocket science to put those together.

Why would we want to unfuck it though

womanism > feminism

Feminism has a hard time caring about anyone else but ciswomen. So, naturally, transwomen, gay males, GNC males, etc might be ambivalent towards it, especially if some feminists explicitly target them as enemies. Even non-TERF "third-wavers" often repeat statements like these:

-Ciswomen experience more problems and there's a lot more of them, so obviously they should be our first priority. Maybe you can get the crumbs later
>Feminism is about serving WOMEN, not YOU. It's like asking black anti-racism activists to help other races other than just blacks!
>Well why don't you just start your own movement then? Stay in your lane.

>towards the empowerment of women
>How on earth could women be equal to men if men weren't also equal to women?

See, already two different definitions that aren't entirely compatible. Empowerment of women =/= "equal rights". And again emphasizing that "Feminism is about Women", not anyone else.

I don't think that comes down to men getting oppressed by women. Such a weaksauce whataboutism argument. This is most defantely a byproduct of settler colonialism and toxic masculinity. It is often covered in depth by the college level women's studies courses I've attended. In honest to god actual feminist studies that is a huge point of study. Lifting up men to a more meaningful existence is part and parcel to making a more just world.

That is the thing about academics. It is coming from a place of privilege. By and large, the collective trauma of growing up trans hampers academic performance. There absolutely needs to be more scholarships for trans women to engage in women and gender studies.

I took a gender studies class in uni last year and the focus was squarely on cis women specifically. When I tried to talk about trans women it was either brushed away or ignored.

They dont transition into male because they have cis gender identity, user. They would get reverse dysphoria from taking T.

That aside, if you are talking about the most extreme of man-hating feminists, this is how the internal thinking actually goes "males are born inherently superior on account of being smarter and stronger. They are the ones who changed society, all the top performers are men. There is nothing we can do about that when we are born into the inferior sex. We cannot change our sex. All we can do is fight for an equal or even superior place in society by using social pressures and maybe gaslighting/psyopping men into forgetting they are inherently biologically superior".

That's why they (especially the pooner reppers among terfs) hate it so much when males transition into females. You are seen as giving up being the superior sex just to become birthing cow hot fuckmeat that needs to fight society into pretending that sexual dimorphism doesnt exist. It's both misandry and misogyny at the same time. They dont understand why you would forsake being part of the smarter and stronger sex, so they conceptualise of it as smurfing.

Especially because you refuse to believe in gender dysphoria (I believe in it so you come across as a crazy larper). But you are essentially getting rid of the one best tool most commonly used by trans people, which is "I transitioned to female because I was too uncomfortable with my physically male body, I couldnt help it, it was for my mental health"

misandry doesn't officially exist under feminist philosophy

That sucks, I wonder if they have an actual women and gender studies department or if it was just a staff taught class from humanities.