Who /secretly hopes they're intersex despite all evidence to the contrary/ here?

Who /secretly hopes they're intersex despite all evidence to the contrary/ here?

Attached: [email protected] (1080x1350, 652.16K)

Me :(

I'd get a test done if it wasn't so expensive. I know it wouldn't change anything but still

It would be so validating, wouldn't it? And so nice to be able to distance yourself from all those nasty AGPs.

I used to but now I realize it wouldn't mean anything to me. It would probably make my mom feel better about transitioning

I have gynecomastia pre-hrt (only a little bit maybe a cup)
So ig I’m hopeful

I've repeatedly asked my GP about getting a karyotype done but I get the impression that he thinks it would be pointless. How much does it cost to do do test privately?

You should definitely get tested. Do you have any other characteristics?

Haha that's really funny because intersex conditions tend to cause all sorts of non-genital-related issues with the body, like joint displacement, malformed internal organs, etc. And intersex people are often still regarded as medical curiosities, victim to invasive and degrading treatment from curious doctors. And still regularly forced to have sex reassignment surgery as children before they're even able to really understand what's happening to them, let alone say no (Not that they'd be listened to anyway.)

But being intersex sounds fun and cool and desirable to you trans people? That is so interesting. That's really, really interesting. Validity at any cost, right?

I keep fantasizing about getting a karyotype done and discovering that I'm XX and just AMAB because of some intersex fuckery, so that way I could convince my dad that I was meant to be a girl and some disease made me develop like a boy, and that's why I'm so anxious and mentally ill.

Attached: XX.png (300x267, 67.83K)

Puberty for me started really late. About 2 years after everyone else and my bone structure was that of someone a year younger than me (had that tested with an X-ray)
Where do you test stuff like that

Many intersex conditions have no symptoms, you fucking nigger faggot.
We hope to be one of those because then maybe we could convince our parents to let us transition without disowning us.


And the majority of them do - but you only see intersex people as props for your own agenda, so it makes sense that you wouldn't actually care or know anything about what it is that you're going on about. You'd get to be a Real Girl! That's all that matters!

Talk to your doctor

Lol I had weird joint issues pre->mid puberty it sucked. Walking was pain (knee joints were fucked and had to get physio which helped)

Do you have an intersex condition user?

>dysphoria since age 4
>found out i actually am intersex at 30
>6'1 manmoder
whats the point? It doesn't fucking change anything

AFAIK it doesn't work that way round but I hope you dream comes true.

Ah... it’s that easy to go up to your gp and say that you want to test your karyotype (I’m in the uk and thus use the NHS bc I’m not rich)
What do you even say because I doubt they’ll do anything.

"I have tiny little testicles, gynocomastica, gender dysphoria and a serious case of the Gay. Please could I be referred to Genetics to be tested for Kleinfelters Syndrome?

Why, so you can be jealous of it?

Sorry user. The reality of this shit isn't what people imagine.

I wonder if I have Klinefelters cause of the cognitive symptoms but I'm very short so it's unlikely.

I guess I'm just curious and trying to understand other people's experiences.

We know it's a stupid and insulting thing to wish for. The OP of this thread makes that abundantly clear. But as you said, validity at any price. Gender dysphoria can do horrendous damage to your personality.

My testes are fine mostly (I had a hernia that required surgery and the left one has a lot of flesh on it for some reason)
Idk I’ll book an appointment soon. Do you think they’ll care if I’m diying though?

I'm 5'3", weigh 110lbs, had A cups before hrt, have been told I had unusually soft hands several times, and puberty basically did nothing but give me body hair and a weird voice not even a deep one. Whether I am or I'm not doesn't really matter to me since I lucked out genetically otherwise.